LandscapersMarch 2011ISO Market Segments ProgramSummary: The Insurance Services Office (ISO) has developed a form—part…
Lawyers Professional Liability Policy, March 2011 edition
Are club members additional insureds?
Loss Payment to Partners February 23, 2011 I have a client who is named on the deed but not on the insurance policy. His partner is named on the deed…
Questions coverage under the CGL for property damage caused by unsecured load falling off of a vehicle.
AXIS® PRO Insurance PolicyFebruary 7, 2011Multimedia Liability Policy1. INTRODUCTIONThis policy addresses the liabilities that arise…
Asbestos Floor Tiles Removal February 2, 2011 Under our Mortgage Service Residential Policy (MSP-RES), the dwelling sustained an on-premises covered…
Stop Gap Coverage February 2011 A General Discussion Summary: An employer's responsibility for injuries to his or her employees is usually handled…
Improvements and Betterments Coverage Requirements January 31, 2011 Insured is a tenant in a strip mall. The insured has owned the business since 1988,…
D&O Coverage and Other Insurance Provisions January 13, 2011 The client, a management company with its own professional liability coverage, is also…