February 11, 2024

The ISO CA 20 70 10 01 Coverage for Certain Operations in Connection with Railroads can be attached to the Business Auto Coverage Form, the Garage Coverage form, the Motor Carriers Coverage Form and the Truckers Coverage Form.

February 05, 2024

When an insured wants to cancel a policy, can the agent complete the Acord cancellation form for the insured?

February 05, 2024

When the lawnmowers really weren't stolen.

February 01, 2024
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This is a list in numerical order of ISO Commercial Auto forms.

January 30, 2024

A rating scale has been developed for storms known as Atmospheric Rivers. This article explains the storms and how they relate to tornadoes and hurricanes.

January 22, 2024

When a cannabis manufacturer sustains a loss in a rented building, can extra expense be used for cleaning the property?

January 22, 2024

Discusses two new crime forms and three form revisions, largely to address exposures of digital or crypto tokens and NFTs.

January 22, 2024

A commercial property policyholder had not complied with all of the policy conditions before the property was damaged in a fire.

January 21, 2024

The ISO CG 00 62 12 02 War Liability Exclusion that applies to the Commercial General Liability Coverage Part. This form was withdrawn between 2004 and 2010 in all states.

January 19, 2024

In light of the current winter weather, the editors have compiled a list of articles you may find helpful.