Commercial General Liability Insurance

July 25, 2008

Is there coverage under the CGL for testing for suspected exposure to illness?

July 24, 2008

In performing engine work, insured leaves out oil plug and damages engine.

July 24, 2008

The insured is a package/shipping store. The store was hired to ship two items via UPS. The insured packaged the items and then shipped the items by…

July 16, 2008

The insured moved an ex-employee's car with a forklift. The car was damaged. Does the care, custody, or control exclusion apply to the PD claim?

June 25, 2008

This litigation watch discusses liability when an additional insured endorsement is on the policy.

June 24, 2008

The appeal of the ruling concerned a dispute over the interpretation of “other insurance” clauses contained in the two insurance polices issued to the construction company by two different insurers.

June 24, 2008

This article analyzes the personal and advertising injury liability coverage, coverage B, under the CGL form.

June 24, 2008

Lawsuit against gun manufacturer for product liability.