
April 13, 2017

Boatowners Survey Questionnaire March 1, 2012 The following questionnaire may be used to evaluate the needs of boatowners when purchasing coverage for…

November 03, 2015
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Checklist to ensure accuracy when writing commercial auto policies.

June 12, 2015
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June 15, 2015 Independent insurance adjusters serve insurance companies that do not have sufficient claims staff to handle insurance claims. The…

June 12, 2015
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June 15, 2015 Investigators can benefit from checklists, as well as adjusters and underwriters. When investigating a claim, it is important…

June 12, 2015
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This checklist provides various behaviors/actions/situations that could indicate arson was the cause of loss.

June 12, 2015

Facts of Loss Red Flags   June 15, 2015   Fraud can be easy or difficult to determine, depending on the expertise of the person committing the…

June 12, 2015

This checklist highlights when the timing of the loss or filing of the claim could indicate fraudulent activity.

June 12, 2015

This checklist can be used when professionals such as doctors, attorneys, or other professionals may be engaged in fraudulent activity.

June 12, 2015

This checklist reviews behaviors or situations that may indicate fraud is present in the claim.

June 12, 2015

Master Red Flag Checklist   June 15, 2015   While a checklist for a particular type of fraud or claim filer may be useful in some claims,…