Truckers Coverage

November 03, 2015
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Checklist to ensure accuracy when writing commercial auto policies.

October 01, 2013

CA 99 54 10 13 Covered Auto Designation Symbol, October 2013 edition

September 07, 2010

There are times when a trucker engages in non-trucking activities, such as bobtailing or deadheading. This article explores the meaning of bobtail and discusses insurance coverage issues on the subject.

March 01, 2010

CA 99 16 03 10 Hired Autos Specified As Covered Autos You Own, March 2010 edition

November 10, 2009

Discusses Zurich American Ins. Co. v. Key Cartage, Inc. where Supreme Court of Illinois examined whether a reciprocal coverage provision found in a commercial trucking insurance policy violated the public policy.

June 24, 2008

Discusses Stan Koch & Sons Trucking, Inc. v. Great West Cas. Co., where the insured brought a declaratory judgment action against its excess liability insurer, seeking a determination that insurer accepted coverage for a fatal motor vehicle accident not covered by the policy but breached its fiduciary duty to insured by settling a personal injury claim arising from the accident.

December 01, 2005
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CU 22 36 12 05 Truckers - Uniform Intermodal Interchange Endorsement Form UIIE-1, December 2005 Edition

June 01, 1998

CA 23 22 06 98 New York Truckers - Insurance for Non-Trucking Use, June 1998 edition

July 01, 1997

CA 99 54 07 97 Covered Auto Designation Symbol, July 1997 Edition