Motor Carriers Coverage

April 09, 2024

The ISO CA 04 50 11 16 Primary and Noncontributory - Other Insurance Condition form that can be applied to the Business Auto, Garage, and Motor Carrier Coverage forms.

February 11, 2024

The ISO CA 20 70 10 01 Coverage for Certain Operations in Connection with Railroads can be attached to the Business Auto Coverage Form, the Garage Coverage form, the Motor Carriers Coverage Form and the Truckers Coverage Form.

This discussion analyzes the various endorsements available to provide some type of drive other car coverage under the commercial auto policies.

November 30, 2023

This is an analysis of the policy conditions included within and applicable to the ISO business auto coverage form

Summary: There are a multitude of ISO commercial auto endorsements, and year by year, the list keeps growing. Rather than attempt a discussion of all…

October 30, 2023

This describes and contrasts the commercial auto medical payments coverage with that of personal lines and analyzes the coverages in the commercial auto medical payments coverage endorsement CA 99 03.

This discussion analyzes ISO commercial auto endorsements identified in Category 27 - Additional Garage endorsements, and the single endorsement in Category 28 - Special Types.

This discussion analyzes the endorsements in ISO category 26, covering single interests.