Care, Custody, or Control Exclusion and BAP Coverage We have a claim under a commercial auto policy involving an insured who parks his commercial vehicle…

Mobile Equipment Transportation Causes Damage Our insured was transporting his auger in his pickup truck. The auger gear box came loose (cotter pin…

Mobile Equipment or Auto as Cause of Damage Our insured runs a tree service that cuts trees and removes them. He has a boom truck that he uses in his…

March 16, 2009

Insured tries to cross river in vehicle and damage occurs.

Covered Pollution Cost Question under BAP This is a single vehicle collision with a tractor trailer. The vehicle rolled over and diesel fuel spilled…

Loading and Unloading Claim Covered by Business Auto or CGL Form? Q Should the business auto or the CGL policy respond to a situation in which a fireplace,…

Medical Payments Coverage Under a BAP Q Our insured was covered under an ISO commercial auto policy that included auto medical payments coverage with…

Loading and Unloading an Insured Vehicle I have a question regarding the loading and unloading of an insured vehicle under the business auto policy.…

Tire Damage Due to Skidding Q We are asking about the issue of tires that are damaged as a result of an emergency stop. There was a subsequent rollover…

Towing Expenses after a Collision Loss Q Our insured had an auto accident in Florida and then had the truck transported to his company headquarters…