August 17, 2011

A striker is injured by a fellow employee driving a covered auto. Does the business auto policy (BAP) respond?

A question of coverage for mold damage to buses stored in a bus barn containing moisture.

Handling of Property Causes Property Damage July 5, 2011 We have a BAP with symbols 8 and 9 for liability coverages. Our insured hired a company to…

Fire Damage and Coverage under CGL Form and BAP Our insured's employee was driving a semi load of bailed corn stalks from the field to another location…

Trailer Coverage under BAP In the opinion of FC&S, and in consideration of the form CA 00 01 10 01, business auto coverage form, does provision…

Transfer of Rights of Recovery March 21, 2011 In the BAP, CA 00 01, under the Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us clause, who is the…

March 07, 2011

Refrigerated van - mobile equipment or auto?

February 07, 2011

Questions coverage under the CGL for property damage caused by unsecured load falling off of a vehicle.

Employee Definition and Interns Under the ISO business auto policy, is an intern for a college or school administration considered an employee of the…

December 09, 2010

Is injury of patient during transportation from ambulance covered?