October 30, 2023

When you sell a vehicle to a person using a stolen credit card and the transaction is reversed, does False Pretense Coverage apply?

This discussion analyzes ISO commercial auto endorsements identified in Category 27 - Additional Garage endorsements, and the single endorsement in Category 28 - Special Types.

This discussion analyzes the endorsements in ISO category 26, covering single interests.

September 27, 2023

It is automatically included in all policies, including for unmarried consumers.

September 27, 2023

Under Maryland law, motorists must carry EUIM or UM coverage.

This is fifth in a series of contract analyses addressing the ISO commercial auto endorsements by category, This analysis discusses endorsements identified in Category 25 - Garage Endorsements, which covers Auto Dealerships.

This is the fourth in a series of commentaries addressing the ISO commercial auto endorsements, including a brief description and explanation of each endorsement by their assigned ISO category. This commentary discusses endorsements identified in Category 23 - Commercial Automobile Endorsements.