August 05, 2015

Auto Dealers Garagekeepers Coverage Garage GKLL Coverage Summary: A bailee for hire receives personal property of others ("bailors") and the bailee…

July 21, 2015

Car accident on vacant land; cgl or auto?

June 12, 2015
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This checklist provides various behaviors/actions/situations that could indicate arson was the cause of loss.

Diminution in Value under GKLL May 26, 2015 What is your opinion on diminution in value for a customer's auto involved in a garagekeepers covered loss?Does…

May 12, 2015

Summary: The insurance needs of an automobile leasing or rental firm are quite specialized — so much so that a regular business auto coverage form…

Delivery Coverage under the BAP February 9, 2015 Many businesses such as restaurants, delis, and pizza places deliver. Does the non-owned auto coverage…

December 31, 2014

State Fines for Drivers with Uninsured Vehicles October 22, 2014 StatePenalty for Failure to Carry Motor Vehicle InsuranceStatuteAlabama…

December 22, 2014
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Capitalization RequirementsState-By-State Survey October 21, 2014 Summary: When an insurer wishes to enter a state as an admitted…

Symbol 1 Coverage under the BAP December 8, 2014 We have a major discussion going on about the coverage with a commercial client. The commercial client…