January 23, 2023

A copy of ISO endorsement CA 23 12 10 13 Motor Carriers - Named Lessee as Insured. It can be used with Business Auto and Motor Carrier Coverage Forms.

January 23, 2023

A copy of ISO endorsement Drive Other Car Coverage - Broadened Coverage for Named Individuals. This can be used with the Auto Dealers, Business Auto, and Motor Carrier Coverage Forms.

January 09, 2023

When an insured cleans up a spill he didn't cause and a claim is made, is there any coverage?

January 02, 2023

A rideshare passenger claims he was injured when exiting the vehicle.

December 19, 2022

When you make up bills hoping to get paid.

December 05, 2022

When the burned vegetables aren't the result of an inept chef.

November 04, 2022

This cheat sheet gives you links to the ISO forms list to make it easy to find available ISO forms by line of business.

October 31, 2022

A New Jersey statute mandating certain levels of underinsured motorist coverage for ride-sharing companies does not extended to similar companies that deliver goods, such as food.

October 24, 2022

The contracts between the injured truck driver's direct employer and the "livestock brokerage company" stated driver's employer was an independent contractor, but the nature of the complex agreements showed otherwise.