Welcome toSan Diegoand the 2012 IASA Educational Conference and Business Show. We have been working all year to achieve greatness and to bring you the biggest and best show yet. And in my humble opinion, we have succeeded.
Welcome toSan Diegoand the 2012 IASA Educational Conference and Business Show. We have been working all year to achieve greatness and to bring you the biggest and best show yet. And in my humble opinion, we have succeeded.
As the incoming president of IASA, I am filled with many emotions. As a volunteer at IASA for years, I have seen many presidents serve their terms, and am humbled by their legacy. As an insurance professional for over thirty years, I am honored to be selected to head up...
According to an extensive study by the National Council of Compensation Insurance (NCCI), workers' compensation medical severity is rising at 3-1/2 times the rate of medical inflation.