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Todays independent insurance agents need to be familiar and compliant with roughly a dozen federal and state cyber security regulations.
Supporting the cyber insurance market, and the strength of small businesses to ward off cyber threats, is among the Trump Administration's goals.
The Internet of Things just wooed two new players into the InsurTech ecosystem.
The insurance industry has been plagued with call-center problems for the better part of a decade.
Here's why today's tech-savvy, forward-thinking insurance businesses have little choice but to incorporate texting.
Lemonade Insurance policyholders have selected 14 charitable organizations that will benefit from the company's 2017 Giveback campaign.
U.S. commercial insurance prices showed minimal gains during the first quarter of 2017, according to the latest Commercial Lines Insurance Pricing Survey (CLIPS) from Willis Towers Watson.
Can the insurance industry support one more entrant into the 'insure-a-thing' category?
Commercial auto is the only vertical to experience significant recent price increases, according to Willis Towers Watson.