Unanswered questions include whether compliance with the model law will be an accreditation requirement and whether there's a need for a law regulating just insurance companies, not all businesses.
The American Law Institute is working on a project called 'Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance,' but it may not accurately represent the law as it is.
During 2017, a significant number of states across the U.S. will see the introduction and enactment of laws requiring insurers to make an annual filing describing their corporate governance structure.
Any bill that is enacted should recognize that ride-sharing services start when a driver logs on to the smartphone app and ends only when the ride has been completed and the driver has logged off the system.
2015 will be an active year for Congress and state lawmakers, as they take on bills regarding transportation networks, tort reform, asbestos, financial regulation, e-commerce and natural disaster issues.
State legislatures and municipalities have taken notice of, and, in some cases, taken action on the ridesharing trend, including addressing insurance implications.