How sensors predict and prevent auto accidents

Sensor tech can promise safer roads by providing real-time data, predictive insights, and automated safety features.

Traditional features like blind spot detection help drivers know what’s there, even if they can’t see it themselves. (Credit: disq/Adobe Stock)

Perception sensors are becoming increasingly common in vehicles.

These sensors, and the systems and processes they enable, make drivers more aware of their surroundings and make it easier for them to respond to that environment. This includes visual aids, like dashcam cameras, but also tactile feedback mechanisms that extend drivers’ senses beyond vision.

These sensors are integral to increasing road safety and mitigating accidents. They help a driver know what’s there when they can’t see it. But they also help drivers, or even autonomous vehicles, to better understand road conditions and vehicle-road dynamics.

One study found that even basic driver assistance systems could prevent over 20,000 traffic fatalities per year. As sensors diversify and proliferate, they’re addressing all kinds of safety issues. Here are five ways that sensors are helping to prevent accidents.

Sensory enhancement

Traditional features like blind spot detection help drivers know what’s there, even if they can’t see it themselves. But it’s not just about seeing; it’s about perceiving. Sensors enhance a driver’s ability to perceive their environment, providing a deeper understanding of both the vehicle and the world around it.

For instance, blind spot detection systems use radar sensors to monitor areas typically outside the driver’s field of vision, such as the sides and rear of the vehicle. These systems offer critical information that helps drivers make safer decisions on the road.

Advanced systems incorporate lidar to create a detailed, real-time map of the vehicle’s surroundings. Lidar – which stands for Light Detection and Ranging – uses laser pulses to measure distances to surrounding objects, creating a high-resolution 3D model of the environment. This enables the vehicle to classify various objects, such as pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles, and determine the distance between objects and the vehicle.

Motor vehicle accidents that occur after dark are three times more likely to result in a fatality. (Credit: Daniel/Adobe Stock)

However, seeing isn’t the whole picture; vehicles must also feel the road. New virtual tactile sensors gather detailed information about the road surface and the vehicle’s interaction with it, effectively giving the vehicle a “sense of touch.”

Tactile sensors utilize the car’s existing physical sensors to create new insights regarding the vehicle and its surroundings. These sensors collect data on parameters such as tire pressure, wheel speed, and suspension movement, which are then analyzed to determine road conditions. For instance, the sensors can detect variations in texture, such as smooth pavement, gravel, or potholes, providing the vehicle with detailed feedback on tire grip and surface conditions.

Real-time hazard detection

Equipped with a diverse array of sensory abilities, vehicles can detect road hazards and issue alerts. For example, tire sensors, whether virtual or physical, can identify dangerous road conditions such as icy patches or debris on the road surface.

Temperature sensors embedded in the tires or undercarriage can detect when the road surface is cold enough to form ice. Additionally, virtual sensors for grip-level detection can physically identify when the surface is slippery. By analyzing changes in traction and friction, the system can determine the presence of ice and alert the driver to the increased risk of slipping, prompting them to adjust their driving behavior accordingly.

Similarly, accelerometers and gyroscopes, which sense the vibrations and impacts caused by driving over rough surfaces, can detect potholes. While this may seem reactive, the information can be shared with other vehicles through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication systems, providing early warnings to other drivers. This interconnectivity of vehicles enhances overall road safety by enabling vehicles to receive hazard information in advance, allowing drivers to take preventive measures to avoid accidents.

By combining data from tire sensors, temperature sensors, accelerometers, and gyroscopes, vehicles can create a detailed and accurate picture of road conditions in real time. This holistic approach, enhanced by the interconnectivity of vehicles, allows for proactive hazard mitigation, such as adaptive adjustments to vehicle dynamics and preemptive alerts to drivers, ensuring a safer and more informed driving experience.

Collision avoidance

So, what about avoiding accidents? Well, new collision avoidance systems are designed to detect potential hazards and adjust the vehicle’s speed to prevent accidents. This involves a combination of radar, ultrasonic, and lidar sensors, which allow the adaptive cruise control and collision avoidance systems to work together to detect other vehicles and respond accordingly.

These systems work together to create a detailed map of the vehicle in its surroundings. Radar sensors gauge the distance to the vehicle ahead, while ultrasonic sensors detect objects that are very close to the vehicle, such as when parking or maneuvering in tight spaces. Lidar sensors contribute high-precision 3D mapping of the environment, offering detailed insights into the positioning of objects and obstacles.

The cost of auto insurance climbed by 63.8% from 2014 to 2023, with rates increasing 20.6% in the 12-month period that ended in January 2024. (Credit: nenetus/Adobe Stock)

So, for example, when the vehicle is in cruise control mode, and the system detects that the vehicle in front is slowing down, it automatically reduces speed to maintain a predetermined safe gap. When traffic clears, the system accelerates to return to the set cruising speed.

This dynamic adjustment of speed is further enhanced by the system’s ability to identify vehicle weight and tire-wear in real time, allowing for accurate adjustments in driving speed and braking distance. This reduces the driver’s need to manually respond to traffic changes, decreasing the likelihood of rear-end collisions, which are common in stop-and-go traffic. It also alleviates driver fatigue, allowing for a more relaxed driving experience, particularly on long journeys or in congested traffic.

Predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance offers another example of how sensory systems work to keep drivers safe and vehicles in good condition. This significant advancement in vehicle technology uses sensor data to predict and prevent potential mechanical failures. Sensors continuously monitor the condition of key vehicle components, such as the engine, brakes, and tires, gathering data on various performance metrics.

For instance, engine sensors can detect abnormal temperature fluctuations that might indicate issues like a coolant leak or a failing thermostat. Similarly, sensors on brake pads measure their thickness and wear, providing early warnings when they approach the end of their useful life.

Additionally, tire-wear detection virtual sensors analyze the condition of the tires in real-time, offering insights into tread depth and wear patterns. This information helps in assessing tire performance and safety, allowing for timely maintenance or replacements, and optimizing driving performance and fuel efficiency.

Predictive maintenance systems also monitor vibrations in the vehicle’s components to detect imbalances or wear in the drivetrain and suspension. They can also analyze fluid levels and quality, such as engine oil and brake fluid, alerting the driver when it’s time for a change.

The underlying idea is that it’s cheaper to repair parts proactively rather than retroactively; it also helps to prevent catastrophic equipment failure while the vehicle is on the road. By addressing issues before they become serious, predictive maintenance enhances vehicle reliability, safety, and longevity, providing drivers with peace of mind.

Better navigation

Real-time navigation systems enhance driving efficiency and safety by providing up-to-the-minute information on traffic conditions and road hazards. These systems integrate data from GPS, traffic sensors, and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications to offer drivers updates on traffic flow, road closures, and potential obstacles.

For example, GPS data provides accurate location tracking, while traffic sensors gather information on current traffic speeds and congestion levels. V2V communications enable vehicles to share information about sudden stops, accidents, or other road hazards in real time. Moreover, the ability to show real-time road conditions helps road authorities efficiently prioritize maintenance while informing drivers of any upcoming hazards.

By incorporating this real-time data into navigation systems, drivers receive timely alerts and guidance, allowing them to make informed decisions and avoid congested areas. If a navigation system detects a traffic jam due to an accident ahead, it can reroute the driver to a less congested road, saving time and reducing the risk of getting stuck in traffic.

Boaz Mizrachi

In addition to avoiding traffic, these systems can provide information on the most fuel-efficient routes, helping drivers save on fuel costs. They can also highlight nearby amenities, such as gas stations, rest stops, and restaurants, ensuring that drivers have access to necessary services without unnecessary detours.

Looking forward, the widespread adoption of sensor technology promises safer roads by providing real-time data, predictive insights, and automated safety features. This ongoing evolution not only enhances immediate driving conditions but also lays the foundation for future autonomous driving systems.

Boaz Mizrachi is the co-founder and CTO of Tactile Mobility. His company uses advanced tech, like sensors and AI, to provide a safer driving experience.

Opinions expressed here are the author’s own.

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