Better insured UX demands carrier-repair shop synchronicity

Insurers and repairers should see themselves as part of a value chain ecosystem working toward a shared outcome.

Consumers hold insurers and repairers responsible for some tasks typically associated with the other party, without distinguishing between the two. (Credit: 88studio via Adobe Stock)

When you order a product online and it doesn’t arrive on time, you don’t care whether the delay was caused by the freight forwarder, the customs broker, the delivery driver, or any of the other countless providers it takes to bring that package to your doorstep. All you care about is getting your package on time and as expected.

The same is true for car accidents. Those involved in the crash have just one need  getting their lives back to normal.

Consumers view their insurance carrier and their collision repairer as a unified team working together to do this as quickly as possible, according to new research from CCC Intelligent Solutions.

So the way that insurers and auto repair shops work together can make a difference in the insureds experience and satisfaction.

The customer’s perspective

To uncover the moments in the claims and repair journey that most impact insurer and repairer customer satisfaction, and retention for carriers, CCC commissioned a “Moments of Truth” study.

We engaged market research firm Magid Inc. to survey 2,400 policyholders who had experienced an accident and filed a first party claim within the past two years (dating back from December 2023). The study used stepwise multiple linear regression to statistically evaluate almost 50 moments in the journey everything from the initial insurer contact to the explanation they received about the claims process to the drop-off experience, and more.

The study’s aim was to identify which of all these interactions and decisions were “Moments of Truth” – moments that statistically impacted overall customer satisfaction – and which moments didn’t matter – those that didn’t have a statistically meaningful impact on satisfaction or retention.

Our research highlights the importance of seamless collaboration between insurers and repairers, thus improving customer satisfaction for both a win-win.

When other people’s actions impact your outcome

According to the findings, consumers hold insurers and repairers responsible for some tasks typically associated with the other party, without distinguishing between the two.

For example, our study found that customers were more satisfied with their insurers when repair quality was high and were more satisfied with their repairers when they received clear communication about the claims process from their insurer.

The study found other interdependencies as well. Insurer satisfaction was impacted by the customer’s satisfaction with their loaner, by the length of time it took to schedule a repair, and the length of time it took to get the repaired car back, all of which are typically within the repairer’s control. For repairers, the study found that customers hold them accountable for satisfaction with the initial insurer contact, despite their lack of control in this area.

This indicates that from a customer’s viewpoint, the insurance carrier and the repair facility are integral parts of a single, cohesive process.

This means that insurers and repairers should see themselves as part of a value chain ecosystem, where multiple participants contribute to the process but all work toward a single, shared outcome.

Collaborate for shared success

Our research findings suggest carriers and repairers need to continue their work to unify on their customers’ behalf. To do that, both parties need to identify and agree on collaborative strategies that benefit the customer without disadvantaging the other party.

Collaboration could focus on…

The path to improved customer satisfaction lies in better collaboration between insurers and repairers. By recognizing interdependence and focusing on shared goals, both parties can deliver a seamless experience that meets or exceeds customer expectations.

Mare Yu

This will build trust, not only between the customer and their insurer and repairer, but also within the ecosystem itself, ensuring that everyone wins their “moments of truth.” To learn more, download the Moments of Truth report.

Maryling Yu (“Mare”) is vice president of Marketing at CCC Intelligent Solutions, responsible for all aspects of marketing at the company, with a strategic focus on developing and retaining customers across the entire lifecycle. 

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