AI’s untapped potential in front-end insurance processes

In a time marked by high policyholder churn and a growing insurance-talent crisis, AI can help.

AI and machine learning are transforming industries worldwide, yet the insurance sector has only partially embraced these technologies. (Image created on Dall-E 3, an AI art generator, by Stephanie Wilkins/ALM)

While many insurers have successfully integrated artificial intelligence into backend processes like claims management and fraud detection, the potential for AI to revolutionize front-end operations remains largely untapped. This shift is crucial, as AI has the potential to significantly enhance sales and retention rates for insurance agents and delivery of improved service for policyholders, especially in a time marked by high policyholder churn and a growing talent crisis.

Overhauling customer acquisition

Many enter the insurance industry because they excel at selling and building human connections. While this belief that humans have an essential role to play in the insurance ecosystem is a great strength, it can also lead to skepticism about AI’s potential role in improving the sales process, resulting in a “We don’t need this” stance.

Agents and insurers should understand that AI and machine learning’s role is as a tool to enhance their selling capabilities, not replace them. Presently, traditional insurers still rely on basic sales training courses rather than objective, data-driven insights that are constantly learning and responding to new situations.

By leveraging AI to guide agents on whom to target and when, they can better achieve their sales goals and their customers’ insurance needs, potentially lowering the industry’s 16% annual policyholder churn rate. To prevent policyholders leaving, a proactive approach is therefore needed to predict churn, help create stickiness with existing customers and identify and bring in new ones.

AI and machine learning can effectively bridge the gap between agents and potential clients — by analyzing an agent’s portfolio, spotting trends, and recommending actions to boost sales. This approach not only aids in acquiring new customers but also in retaining existing ones. By tracking communication patterns, policy usage, and customer inquiries, insurers can implement proactive strategies like targeted outreach and personalized retention offers.

To make these renewal strategies truly effective, they need to be proactive rather than reactive. AI-driven predictive models, when fed with customer demographics, claims history, and satisfaction data, can identify which relationships require attention before a customer even considers leaving. This foresight helps reduce customer churn and enhances the agent’s ability to cross-sell or upsell additional products.

When effectively implemented, AI customer acquisition tools can transform insurance companies into truly national, cross-state border organizations. The U.S. regulatory landscape is particularly complex, with each state having its own insurance licensing requirements. AI can identify which agents are best suited to expand into specific states and guide them through the necessary licensing processes, enabling agents to extend their reach and maximize commissions. Simultaneously, this strategy allows insurers to explore new growth opportunities by expanding their market presence.

The front-end tools we have fall short.

AI-powered customer acquisition tools are available, but they often come bundled within costly CRM systems or are not user-friendly enough for the average insurance agent. While Salesforce offers some AI capabilities, these tools are poorly integrated and the overall stack is prohibitively expensive, resulting in  a low adoption rate among insurance agents. The ideal AI customer acquisition tool should be versatile enough to integrate with any CRM system or function independently. It also needs to be user-friendly, appealing to seasoned agents who may not be very tech-savvy. Additionally, it should have mobile capabilities, allowing agents to access customer information, policy details, and sales opportunities while on the go.

Data-driven marketing

AI will overhaul insurance marketing by enabling highly personalized, data-driven campaigns. By analyzing customer behavior and demographics, AI allows insurers to target specific audiences with messages that truly resonate, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Additionally, AI can identify high-probability leads, ensuring that marketing efforts are concentrated where they’ll have the greatest impact. Real-time analytics further empower marketers to fine-tune campaigns on the fly, delivering relevant content across multiple channels and enhancing overall engagement. AI can also help insurers direct leads to agents known to be more be successful with specific lead demographics, increasing lead conversion rates.

Seamless onboarding

Onboarding is a client’s first significant interaction with the insurer, not just their agents. Traditionally, this process has been hampered by manual tasks prone to errors. AI can automate data entry and verification, ensuring that customer information is accurately captured without the usual delays. AI can review a group of 1000 candidates and based on demographics gathered and success rates of current agents, determine the 50 candidates likely to generate better results and stay in the industry for longer periods.  Additionally, AI streamlines the issuance of onboarding agreements by generating and managing documents, ensuring they are complete and compliant before being issued.

Enhancing the customer experience

An AI-powered, streamlined onboarding process should be part of a broader initiative to prioritize customer service. Currently, customer service in the insurance industry is in a troubling state, with over 30% of customers expressing dissatisfaction with the digital channels available. AI tools can address this by continuously monitoring customer interactions and providing actionable feedback to improve service quality. For example, if an agent consistently delays in following up with customers prior to a policy renewal,  flag this behavior and suggest ways to enhance responsiveness. By helping agents refine their approach, AI not only boosts individual performance but also contributes to overall customer satisfaction.

Continuous learning

Every interaction an agent has with an AI-powered application — whether it’s clicking a button, setting up a meeting, or sending an email — should be meticulously added to the data and analyzed. Machine learning algorithms can then sift through this vast array of data, identifying patterns and anomalies that would be impossible to detect manually. For example, if a company wants to evaluate its cyber insurance sales, AI can analyze which agents are excelling and why, considering factors like training completion, response times, and industry focus.

This detailed analysis allows insurers to pinpoint successful strategies, refine training programs, and focus efforts where they are most effective, ultimately boosting overall performance and driving better outcomes. Far from being mere automation, in this use case, AI provides actionable intelligence that can transform how each individual on the sales force operates, enabling them to adapt swiftly to market demands and improve on their prior success.

Phil Brown ( is vice president of Strategic Alliances at Vymo, a global insurance IT platform provider. These opinions are his own.

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