Does every insurance lawsuit constitute legal system abuse?

APCIA Senior Vice President Robert Gordon weighs in on this and other issues impacting insurance coverage and pricing.

Three themes dominated big-picture insurance conversations so far in 2024.

The first is inflation and its impact on policy pricing. The second is extreme weather, as the increased frequency and severity of natural catastrophes strains the insurance-claims system along with carriers and reinsurers. And the third is litigation and its companion, “social inflation,” or the thinking that insurers are bad corporate actors with deep pockets that must correct societal wrongs by paying exorbitant legal settlements.

On this episode of Insurance Speak, Robert Gordon, senior vice president of the policy, research and international division of the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA), weighs in on these and other issues impacting insurance affordability and availability in 2024.

Listen to our our full conversation above or subscribe to Insurance Speak on SpotifyApple Music or Libsyn.
