Hurricane Beryl victims: File insurance claims right away

As storm cleanup begins, the Texas Department of Insurance warned victims about restoration-contractor scams.

Storm victims should get written estimates on a company letterhead from potential contractors, the Texas Department of Insurance advises. (Photo: Lucanus Ollivierre/AP)

People in the wake of Hurricane Beryl should contact their insurance carrier as soon as possible.

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) issued a statement on Mon., Juny 8 with insurance tips for victims in the storm’s path, which include

As of Wed., July 10, nearly 1.7 million Texans were still without power because of storm.

“You need to get your claim started as soon as possible,” Insurance Commissioner Cassie Brown said in the release. “We can help you if you run into an issue contacting your insurance company or just don’t understand what you’re hearing from them.”

Most home and renters policies don’t cover flood damage. Federal flood policies require insureds to file a claim and document losses within 60 days, Texas Department of Insurance said.

Meanwhile, personal auto policies with comprehensive coverage may cover flood damage.

To avoid contractor scams, the TDI said storm victims should:
