On June 19, Alberto became the first named storm of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, with the tropical storm making landfall in northeastern Mexico on June 20. Alberto dissipated quickly, but heavy rain and winds caused damage along the western Gulf of Mexico coastline from Texas to Veracruz. Authorities have also reported four deaths related to the rainfall from Alberto.

Over 33 million single- and multi-family residences are at moderate or greater risk of damage from hurricane-force winds, and 7.8 million of these homes have coastal exposure that leaves them vulnerable to storm surge, according to a report from CoreLogic. It is imperative those who could potentially be impacted if a storm were to hit the U.S. make emergency plans ahead of time.

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Brittney Meredith-Miller

Brittney Meredith-Miller is assistant editor of PropertyCasualty360.com. She can be reached at [email protected].