Closing soon: Complete the 2023 Agent Survey today

Please take a few minutes to respond to our online survey before Jan. 10, 2023. Your feedback matters!

Time is running out to complete the NU PropertyCasualty360 2023 Independent Insurance Agent Survey. Respond today! (Min C. Chiu/Shutterstock)

Late in 2022, PropertyCasualty360 queried a handful of insurance-agency leaders about challenges they faced in the past year and trends they’re watching in the year to come.

These insurance producers and leaders spoke about the impact of inflation on their business, and the difficulty finding top-tier talent in today’s competitive hiring landscape.

How does that assessment align with your own insurance-business outlook?

The 2023 Independent Insurance Agent Survey will take a more microeconomic look at agencies and brokerages. The annual study is compiled and analyzed with help from the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA). This year’s installment takes into account that most any professional must now navigate the consumer expectation for on-demand services. We also assume that insurance entrepreneurs have moved beyond pandemic-induced challenges and are now serving new types of clients and advising them on fresh risks.

Survey results will be showcased in March 2023 issue of NU Property & Casualty magazine as well as online at

Please take a few minutes to complete our online survey. Your feedback matters!

Responses are anonymous. The survey is open through Jan. 10, 2023. Click here to get started.

See also: