What are the keys to independent insurance agent success in 2023?

Respond today to the annual Independent Insurance Agent Survey produced in partnership with PIA National.

The 2023 Independent Insurance Agent Survey drills down on technology tools to uncover those that are essential for today’s insurance businesses. The survey also explores agency recruitment, training and staffing demands as well as the impact of the current economic climate. (Dil LX/Adobe Stock)

The manner in which business gets done today is different than in years past, thanks to technology, staffing demands, geopolitical trends and so much more.

Independent insurance agents must mirror these changes in society and the world while serving clients and anticipating what’s on the horizon. The result is a delicate professional dance designed to make sure that policyholders are secure while responding to carrier partners and continuing to grow their business.

We want to hear more about how independent insurance agents concoct the right recipe for lasting success.

As we have since 2017, NU Property & Casualty magazine, PropertyCasualty360 and the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) are partnering to find out exactly how independent insurance agents are managing in today’s fast-paced business world. With the help of readers like you along with PIA members, the results of our annual Independent Insurance Agent Survey will reveal the perspective and insights of today’s steadfast industry professionals.

New for 2023…

This updated version of the Independent Insurance Agent Survey takes into account that most any businessperson today must navigate their customers’ on-demand expectations by supporting digital tools and techniques. We also assume that insurance entrepreneurs have moved beyond pandemic-induced challenges and are now serving new types of clients and advising them on fresh risks.

Here’s what hasn’t changed about the survey: Its focus squarely on independent insurance agents. As in years past, we remain interested in the pain points for today’s agents and seek to better understand their specific demands and observations.

“Innovation” in 2023 will look different than it did in 2015 or even 2020, and this survey is designed to illustrate how.

Please take a few minutes to complete our online survey. Your responses will be anonymous. The survey will be open through Jan. 10, 2023, and the results will be presented early next year in print and online. Click here to get started.

See also: