How Insurers Can ‘Leap’ forward With Technology Innovation

In this podcast, visionary CTO Vivek Gujral of OneShield discusses what insurers should know to make their future tech investments “future-proof.”

The rapid evolution of technology has quickly transformed what customers expect, how business is conducted, and the best way to secure a competitive advantage. But this has also prompted an important question: Is it “future-proof?” That is, will it become obsolete shortly after implementing, and what will the next trend be, such as the metaverse or Web 3.0, that will become a requirement for the next generation of insurer?

Vivek Gujral, CTO & Co-founder of OneShield Software, joins us to discuss which technology innovations will have the most significant impact over the next five years and what actions insurers can take to prepare.

To learn more, hit play.

To listen to the other OneShield podcasts in this series please click below:

Securing Your Technology Ecosystem from Present and Future Risks How to Strengthen Digital Objectives and Create “Minimum Lovable Products”