Introducing the NU PropertyCasualty360 Luminaries program

Our new recognition program honors innovation in insurance. Nominate today!

The new NU PropertyCasualty360 Luminaries program honors innovation in insurance.

P&C insurance is a complex business framed by detailed documents and precise regulations. But it’s also essential to the underpinnings of a healthy economy and society. Today’s insurance endeavors should therefore honor the industry’s history while embodying contemporary processes and services. People, programs and companies that strive to modernize and humanize the insurance business set a bright example within the industry and are worthy of being named Luminaries.

The new NU PropertyCasualty360 Luminaries program honors innovation in insurance.

Honorees will be those that shove off dated insurance-industry stereotypes and push for fresh thinking and practices around the most impactful issues of our time.

Five categories

Formerly known as PropertyCasualty360 Insurance Innovators, this recognition program honors companies, people, programs and practices that are modernizing and humanizing the P&C insurance business.

Nominations are open in the following five categories:

How honorees are selected

Honorees will be selected based on their scores in the following areas, with 0 being the lowest and 5 being the highest in each area, for a total of 25 possible points:

  1. How well has the nominee stated and achieved goals with regards to the nomination category? (0-5 points)
  2. How impactful has the nominee been? (0-5 points)
  3. How measurable is this impact, either in quantitative or qualitative results? (0-5 points)
  4. How dedicated has the nominee been to furthering modernization and humanization in the P&C insurance business? (0-5 points)
  5. What level of commitment has the nominee shown to the highest ethical standards as well as dedication to service and excellence? (0-5 points)

Nominations open April 20, 2022 and will be accepted through May 31, 2022.

Honorees Will Receive

  1. Recognition in the October 2022 issue of NU Property & Casualty magazine as well as online at
  2. A formal press release along with social media and public relations guidance around promoting this honor.
  3. The opportunity to purchase a badge for their website and business communications as well as more visible print and digital recognition within our publications.

Nominate today!

See also: