Why Onboarding, Credentialing and Agent Compensation Is Poised to Get a lot Faster

We spoke with Patrick Masi, senior product manager at Vertafore, to learn how automation and tapping into new streams of data is eliminating manual processes and reducing onboarding cycle times by 40%. He explains the factors that make this time savings possible, and what’s on the horizon for the P&C market.


Summary by Nicki Howell

Customers and agents are expecting fast interactions in all corners of business, and so it’s no wonder they should also expect that from their insurance carriers. Then the pandemic accelerated both the need and adoption of that transformation. One of the companies at the forefront of these changes is Vertafore, who was recently recognized by PC360 as an Insurance Innovator for their solutions suite that brings onboarding, credentialing and the compensation of insurance agents up to the present expectations. 

We spoke with Patrick Masi, senior product manager at Vertafore, to learn how automation and tapping into new streams of data is eliminating manual processes and reducing onboarding cycle times by 40%. He explains the factors that make this time savings possible, and what’s on the horizon for the P&C market. 

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