How well did P&C insurers improve on ease of business in 2020?

Many independent agents agree that how easy it is to work with a carrier is critical when deciding where to place business.

More carriers’ performance ratings for ‘ease of business’ decreased in 2020 than those that improved their performance. (Photo: metamorworks/Shutterstock)

2020 was a year that many of us are happy to see in the rearview mirror. For the property & casualty industry, it presented large challenges. The pandemic required companies to transition to remote work quickly. We had to learn new processes and get used to communicating in new ways — less in person and more virtual. This transition was easier for some than others.

The increase in remote work environments had an upside. It freed some of us from time-consuming commutes, allowing us more flexibility with work-life balance. Productivity improved for many companies, leading some to plan to continue supporting remote work even when it is once again safe for more people to work in offices.

This dramatically abrupt change in processes and work environment did not impact just our daily tasks and interactions with our coworkers. It also impacted how we serve our customers. The vast majority of P&C insurers that work with independent agents saw an impact on key customer relationships.

Successful carriers understand that, within agencies, they are competing with other carriers to attract the business that will be most profitable for them. Carriers that make it easier to place business win these daily placement decisions. In 2020, 99% of almost 5,000 independent agents surveyed agreed that ease of business is critical to where they place business.

Because ease of business is so important to the carrier and agent relationship, and 2020 was a “Black Swan” year for work environments, we were curious about how carriers performed. Some rose to the challenge and improved their ease of business. Others faltered.

Our data shows that for ‘ease of business’ performance in all factors combined, more carriers’ performance ratings decreased in 2020 than those that improved their performance. Fifty-two percent of the carriers’ overall performance declined compared to 43% that improved. Fiver percent remained the same.

Underwriting and claims handling figure prominently in agents’ perceptions of how easy it is to do business with carriers. For these factors, less than 39% of the carriers improved their performance.

This disparity in performance is a strategic opportunity for the carriers that maintained focus on their agency relationships. Those who innovated and successfully improved their ease of business with independent agents will benefit.

We see a couple of themes that explain why the majority of carriers slipped.

External communication is an opportunity

Agents are finding it more difficult to reach underwriters and claims adjusters. Here is a comment from an agent that is representative of this struggle:

“Communicate! We still need to talk with underwriters and claim reps. Making personal contact is most difficult. Everyone seems to be hiding behind technology.”

Here are several more:

“We’ve had a year of poor claims experience from carriers that in the past were really responsive.”

“Just have people answer their phones and be available. Also, working from home does not work for everyone.”

In these and many similar comments, agents tell us that contact with their underwriters and adjusters should be quick and easy. It should not matter whether these people are working from home or the office. Most carriers do not deliver this experience, but the winners do.

Internal communication is impacting responsiveness

Agents are experiencing increased response times when decisions are escalated.

Here are a couple of examples of what agents are experiencing from some carriers:

“Responsiveness and synergy. This has been lost with COVID and most of the home office personnel working from home. The bottom line of the carrier looks better because of this but the burden has been put on the agency side to handle this and I do not think they even realize this.  They need to get everyone back in the office.”

“Have adequate underwriting staff and personnel to assist in the placing and retention of business. 30-day turnaround on simple changes (or longer) is unacceptable. Over a week on email responses is an unnecessary delay and only exacerbates unfavorable situations or makes me hesitant to place accounts there.”

It is easy to imagine why this might be going on for many carriers. When I was an underwriter and had a burning issue that exceeded my authority, I was sitting next to more experienced coworkers who could sign off. If needed, I could walk a few steps to my boss’s office and get their sign-off.  If I had been working from home, it would not be that simple—unless my company had considered this issue when innovating their work-from-home processes.

All carriers faced the same challenges in 2020, but those that improved their performance found ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their internal communications and processes.

The takeaway?

In 2020, COVID-19 was a Black Swan event that forced P&C carriers to change their work environments and processes. A select group of carriers took advantage of this opportunity to innovate and improve their ease of business with their agents, giving them a strategic advantage with independent agents.

Jason Bogart is the CEO of Deep Customer Connections, a provider of research and consulting services to help P&C insurers grow by making it easier for their agents to place business with them. Bogart previously served as SVP of branch operations at EMC Insurance Companies as well as president and vice-chairman for EMC National Life Insurance Company. Earlier in his career with Travelers, Bogart’s roles included commercial lines underwriting as well as sales of life insurance, investments, personal lines and commercial lines.

This article was originally published by Deep Customer Connections and is republished here with permission. 
