

AI: Putting Insurers on the Path to Better Decision Making

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Insurance is a business that relies on making the right decision consistently at many points throughout the policy lifecycle – especially in understanding if a policy applicant is legitimate and during the claims process. The ability to make correct decisions at scale is crucial to driving successful results for insurers and delivering great experiences for policyholders.

Join this complimentary webcast to explore best practices for decision automation and optimization across the policy lifecycle and walk away with a better understanding of:

  • How to use multiple data types and sources to support decision making

  • Why artificial intelligence is essential and how it can help you make the best decisions possible at every point in the policyholder relationship

  • How to apply AI-powered decision capabilities across the policy lifecycle with a recently introduced technology suite





This event is available for on-demand viewing. If you have previously registered click here to login using the email you registered with. 


Marcel Gordon – VP Product – Shift Technology

John Cully – Head of Brand Communications – Shift Technology


Alicia Holmes

Alicia Holmes , Pre-Sales Consultant 

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