Does debris removal coverage apply to a fallen tree?

Coverage Q&A: Debris removal coverage treats fallen trees differently than other types of waste.

Children look at a fallen tree lying on a damaged home after Hurricane Florence hit Wilmington, North Carolina, on Saturday, Sept. 16, 2018. (Photo: Alex Wroblewski/Bloomberg)

Every claim is different, and some insurance policies can be difficult to interpret for unique situations. FC&S Expert Coverage Interpretation, the recognized authority on insurance coverage interpretation and analysis for the P&C industry, makes it simple to find credible answers to your complicated coverage questions. Analysis brought to you by our FC&S experts.

Editor’s Note: This week’s question asks whether a policy’s debris removal limit applies when a tree falls, blocking a driveway and damaging property.

Question: Our insured has an AAIS homeowners insurance policy. If a tree falls during a wind storm partially across a driveway and lands on a picnic table, will the incidental property coverages for debris removal apply? Is the $500.00 per occurrence listed under the policy the maximum paid or does the policy cover all costs to remove the tree from the driveway and picnic table? Is the deductible applied?

— Pennsylvania Subscriber 

Analysis: Debris removal is an additional or incidental coverage in most homeowners insurance policies. It is designed to provide coverage for the removal of debris from covered losses. However, it treats the debris from fallen trees differently than others. Generally, the tree must be damaged by a specific named peril and block access to a driveway or handicapped access. A frequent question regarding additional or incidental coverages is, “does the policy deductible apply?” With trees, there is often a limit for the removal of tree debris. Sorting out the limits for tree removal versus the total amount allowed for debris removal and whether or not the deductible applies can often be confusing.

Answer: To learn the answer to this week’s coverage Q&A, please log into your FC&S Expert Coverage Interpretation account.
