Five ways agents can build a strong, competition-ready brand

Insurance agents must be visible in the market to attract new customers and rise above the competition.

How resilient is your insurance agency brand? (Photo: Shutterstock)

In today’s marketing world, personal branding is building momentum, as site creation and new social media tools have made it easier for individuals to express themselves online and in the internet world. In fact, personal branding is created by personal values and the contributions made in one’s community, whether it’s online or offline, because branding is everything.

Therefore, for insurance agents, they have to not only get out there but go out there with a strong, competition-ready brand, with thousands of insurance agency brands in the market right now.

With that said, here are five ways to brand yourself, as an insurance agent, in the digital world, and get into the competition with confidence:

1. Define your brand

“Before you do anything else, you have to define your brand,” says Jordan Simmons, a branding expert at Writinity and Researchpapersuk. “Creating a brand identity consists of having a company logo, a voice, a set of values, and a unique personality. Also, you have to be able to identify the specific types of insurance that you offer, your target audience, and a mission statement from your brand.”

2. Have a stand-out message

Having a mission statement is important to your brand because it tells people who you are. And, in the case of insurance, you have to be able to show people that you can provide the best service, as an insurance agent, with a stand-out mission statement. Try to present your own unique view on a topic and/or passion in your message. Afterward, you can then create your personal website.

3. Have a website

The purpose of a website is to not only provide an overview of your products and services but also to create an online identity for your brand. So, as an insurance agent, you have to present the following should you create a website:

4. Head for social media

“Since many people and companies are on social media, meet them there,” says Richard Lynch, an insurance blogger at DraftBeyond and Last Minute Writing. “Even insurance companies are going there to attract new clients, because people, nowadays, want to interact with real people, not fake people, or faceless companies. Therefore, with a social media account, you’re creating a face and a voice for your brand.”

Social media marketing can be done on multiple platforms, like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. However, whatever platform you use is up to you — that all depends on where your potential clients are at.

5. Keep in mind: SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) matters when having an online presence. With an efficient and successful SEO, your site and/or social media account will be higher in the search results and essentially bring you more users and potential clients.

So, for independent agents, increasing visibility in search engines is crucial. With that said, keep the following objectives in mind:

Also, keep in mind these general tips on how to maximize your search engine visibility:


So, now that you know the five ways to present yourself in the online and social media realm as an independent insurance agent, you can use these ideas to grow your brand. And, the best part of all this is that technology is evolving every day, which makes it easier and easier for individuals, including insurance agents, to stand out in the competition to get more prospective clients, thus allowing you to open up to the world.

Ashley Halsey is a writer at London Writing Service and GumEssays. As a professional writer, she has been involved in many writing projects throughout the country. In her spare time, she likes to travel, read novels and spend quality time with her two children. The opinions expressed here are the author’s own. 
