Workers' comp professionals share their predictions for the industry's future

COVID-19 brought new questions to the workers’ comp industry and can help illuminate what the market will have to face down the road.

The biggest challenge that workers’ compensation claims organizations are facing today is workflow consistency (27%), according to survey respondents. (Photo: Christian Schnettelker/

Workers’ compensation is currently being tested as never before. Despite being well-positioned financially, COVID-19 and a shaky economy threaten to derail much of the progress the industry has made in recent years.

In the months since COVID-19 disrupted all sense of normalcy, the workers’ compensation industry, like virtually every other industry, was suddenly faced with questions it didn’t have answers to: would COVID-19 be covered under workers’ compensation, what would happen to injured workers who now couldn’t risk seeing their doctor or physical therapist for the foreseeable future, what technology can be utilized to help as many people as possible and more.

COVID-19 may end up ultimately being just a small moment for the workers’ compensation industry, but it is an example of what kind of scenarios the industry will have to look for down the road.

To find out what the industry thinks is next in workers’ compensation and how technology will affect the industry in 2020 and beyond, Mitchell surveyed about 100 workers’ compensation professionals at a range of companies, including insurance carriers, third-party administrators, public entities, brokers and managed care and risk management companies.

Here are some of the biggest findings from the report.

Predicting what will come next in workers’ compensation will probably fall short of reality, but the insights shared by those surveyed by Mitchell highlight where the industry is headed in the short-term at least.

Mitchell’s full report with additional findings can be found here.
