Lemonade Insurance: Be wary of pandemic home accidents

More people spending more time at home increases the likelihood of a home accident.

As a result of efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19, home insurance carriers may see an uptick in claims resulting from kitchen accidents, water overflow damage or sewer backups. (Shutterstock)

Social distancing and sheltering in place are now part of government policy as well as the mainstream dialogue. But most of the information circulating regarding COVID-19 prevention focuses on public spaces and interactions (or lack thereof).

There also are a number of things people can do to make their homes less welcoming to the virus. For instance, a recent CNN article suggested that we designate one person in the household to be the errand runner in order to limit outside exposure, and set up a disinfecting station to decontaminate anything that comes into the home.

But there also is the issue of more people spending more time at home, which increases the likelihood of a home accident. It follows that some home insurance carriers are circulating information about how insureds can stay safe and healthy during this period of social distancing and sheltering in place.

PC360 recently connected via email with Jim Hageman, chief claims officer at Lemonade, to get his company’s take on home safety during the pandemic.

PC360: How can people best protect their homes during the pandemic?

Hageman: This situation is calling on all of us to develop new habits as we adapt to a new lifestyle. Make sure some of these new habits include safety like unplugging electric appliances that aren’t in use, making sure your smoke detectors are working, and practicing safety in the kitchen.

PC360: What types of home accidents are likely to increase with more people sheltering in place?

Hageman: Kitchen accidents, water overflow damage, and sewer backups are some of the most common home accidents occurring now that we’re spending so much time at home.

PC360: How can individuals and families best mitigate against such accidents?

Hageman: It’s great if you’re cleaning whatever comes into your home with disinfectant wipes, but don’t flush them down the toilet!

PC360: What should renters and homeowners know about home care and maintenance during this time?

Hageman: All this time at home means you get the chance to do some sprucing up around the house. This can be anything from adapting a minimalist decor aesthetic, to completing seasonal maintenance on your home- like changing your water or AC/Furnace filters, cleaning out lint buildup from your dryer, or pruning overgrown trees and shrubs on your property. Just make sure you’re not feeling pressure to take on any projects that are outside of your comfort zone.

PC360: How is Lemonade prepared to assist clients through the pandemic?

The Lemonade community is building collective impact to fight this pandemic. We’ve given policyholders the opportunity to support DirectRelief through our Giveback program, and seen tens of thousands of our policyholders throw their support behind this organization, and we’re hoping our impact will help them in their critical front-line role as COVID-19 spreads.
