New podcast highlights cyber risks for businesses

Jeremy Gittler from AXA XL shares how companies can proactively mitigate the consequences of a cyberattack.

The “Insurance and Law Today” podcast series addresses many of the critical risks emerging today. (Photo: Shutterstock) Access to the podcast is  available here. 

Cybersecurity is an issue for every business and individual operating any type of electronic device. From smartphones, tablets and computers to televisions, baby monitors, and even the lights and thermostats in a home, everything is connected to the internet these days. And that is what makes everything and everyone vulnerable to cyberattacks, identity thefts and other cyber-related events.

The issue is no longer ‘if’ your data is accessed or compromised but ‘when’ and ‘how’. The advent of 5G service will make information available to us at an even faster pace, but it will also make internet-connected devices far more vulnerable and allow cyber thieves to capture more information even faster. How can consumers and businesses protect themselves and what role does cyber insurance play in mitigating the effects of a cyberattack?

These questions and more are the topic of a new podcast sponsored by the Baltimore law firm of Wright, Constable & Skeen, LLP (WCS) and Claims Magazine. The “Insurance and Law Today” podcast series addresses many of the critical risks emerging today.

“This podcast was created to educate our listeners on the types of claims we’re seeing that frequently end up in litigation so that they will know what to look for,” explains Marie J. Ignozzi, an attorney with WCS and host of the podcast. “This will allow them to implement the appropriate safeguards to protect themselves and their businesses.”

Sharing his expertise is Jeremy Gittler, practice leader and head of cyber Americas for AXA XL. With almost 15 years of experience in cybersecurity insurance, Gittler has handled thousands of cyber claims and understands the risks facing companies as well as what it takes to recover from a cyberattack.

When he considers today’s cyber landscape, one risk, in particular, stands out as an issue companies should be watching and planning for before it occurs. “The greatest cyber risk facing companies now is ransomware because it causes the dual worry of not only having all of your entity’s data stolen but also having your entity’s entire network locked, thus potentially causing all operations to grind to a halt,” Gitler explains.

The podcast highlights the dangers of ransomware and other risks affecting operations at companies around the globe. Gittler says the podcast is “valuable for listeners because it enables them to hear information on cyber claims and risks in a thoughtful, interesting and succinct manner.”

Access to the podcast is available here. Future “Insurance and Law Today” podcasts will cover insurance fraud, emerging risks, subrogation, reputational risk, the gig economy and more.

To learn more about claims-related topics like this, join us at the America’s Claims Executive Leadership Forum & Expo in New Orleans, April 20-22, 2020. 

Related: The latest cyber risk businesses need to know about