Are you really listening to your clients?

Use client feedback to create an action plan for better customer experiences and more sales in the year to come.

According to McKinsey, 80% of shoppers use a digital channel at some point during the insurance buying process. (Photo: iStock)

How often do you take your clients’ feedback into account? You probably respond immediately to any requests they have about their policies. But are you as quick to make adjustments to your agency operations if they comment on the service?

Social media and review platforms like Yelp allow consumers to voice their opinions. And they are not shy about letting businesses know what they want. Consumers will also participate in surveys that ask targeted questions and delve into areas like service.

Agents need to go beyond just processing this information and saying, “Oh, that is interesting.” They need to really listen and use this feedback as the catalyst to adjust their customer experience.

These surveys can give you insight into what consumers want when buying insurance. For instance, according to McKinsey, 80% of shoppers use a digital channel at some point during the insurance buying process. A Facebook/comScore study on auto insurance shows that 61% of respondents believe research is important before selecting a provider. But, less than half the respondents actually bought auto insurance online. The study also highlights that a good website and mobile app are potential reasons why shoppers chose their auto insurance providers.

The data is in, and it’s clear if you’re listening to it. Consumers start the insurance buying process online. While many consumers want to talk to someone when they’re ready to buy, they want basic information — like coverage options and prices — in real-time and online. Insurance customers are also increasingly mobile. It has to be just as easy to get insurance information on a smartphone or tablet as it is on a computer. Consumers want the ease and speed of researching online. But, they also know that insurance is a complex product. Because of that, they do want to talk with an expert as they get further into the buying process.

How can agents provide the seamless customer experience that today’s consumers demand? Let’s start by looking at four of the most common critiques insurance customers have about the buying process.

No. 1: Don’t make me pick up the phone to find out basic information.

This is the era of information overload. Consumers want answers, and they want them now. Decisions are made quickly. According to Facebook/comScore, 30% of respondents selected their auto insurance provider in a single day. Sixty percent said their shopping window lasted less than one week. Customers are acting fast, and they want to work with professionals who can speed up the process.

Adding a comparative rater to your website gives the consumer the basic coverage and price information they crave. Because you represent multiple carriers, these live rates also allow consumers to see your value at the same time. But remember, all raters are not the same. You should look for solutions that are easy for consumers to navigate. They should compare coverage options to existing policies. They should be customizable to your agency’s brand. And, they should be mobile responsive — which leads us to our next common critique.

No. 2: Can you fix your website so it works on my phone, please?!

It’s 2019. All agencies should have a website. But it needs to work just as well on a smartphone or tablet as it does on a computer. According to Google, 80% of smartphone users are more likely to purchase from companies with mobile sites or apps that help users find answers quickly.  Consumers want to read without zooming in and click buttons with their fingertips. They want to be able to complete a form using a mobile keyboard.

No. 3: I have a lot of information, but insurance is complicated. I need to speak with a professional — right now!

Fewer than half of auto insurance purchases are fully completed online. Forty-five percent say they purchased through an agent. At some point, the consumer will want to delve deeper into their coverage options. You should have a process in place to quickly respond to prospects if they ask for an agent to contact them. And, you need to use their preferred method of communication. That may include text messaging and social media. But, you may also consider live chat and online meeting tools. Live chat on your insurance agency website allows you to engage with prospects while in the moment of researching insurance. An online meeting tool like Skype lets you meet with potential clients face-to-face even if you can’t meet in person.

No. 4: Wait, this is frustrating. I feel like I’m sending my information into a black hole.

Static forms that ask prospects to fill in the blanks and then click “submit” can leave them wondering. Is anyone on the other side receiving this information? You should include solutions that can respond to the information the consumer enters. For example, if they select car insurance, the next question should be, “What type of car do you have?” These solutions create an authentic conservation.

Consumers can be your agency’s biggest advocates. But you need to listen to what they want and respond appropriately. Offering a seamless online experience with easy access to information can get consumers on your side. Then, add the personal, human contact when the questions get tough. And, not only will consumers return, they will refer their friends and families.

As CEO of Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), Laird Rixford ( is responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership for the company. He has more than 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship and insurance technology.

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