5 ways cloud adoption will make your insurance SME more competitive

Find security, scalability, support, cost savings and innovation with cloud adoption.

Identifying cross-sales opportunities has never been more critical. (iStock)

In the past decade, a number of organizations have adopted cloud technology. As reported by Forbes in 2018, 83% of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by 2020.

The benefits of the cloud become especially valuable for SMEs (small-to-medium enterprises) without the infrastructure to support their own systems, let alone the staff to dedicate 24/7 to uptimes. Cloud computing allows insurance SMEs, including brokers and smaller carriers, to offer enterprise services without the overhead.

Cloud opens the door to digital systems without constraints. Cutting-edge tech used to be reserved for large organizations with the funds and capacity to deploy, manage and maintain their systems. It’s is now open to organizations of all sizes through the cloud.

Here are five ways cloud-based systems allow insurance SMEs to become more competitive in:

1. You avoid costly upfront investments

One of the most limiting factors for the growth of a small business is the upfront capital to invest in competitive technology. Traditionally, engaging on the same level as enterprise competitors meant investing many thousands of dollars in infrastructure to support the technology of the day. Cloud computing companies generally bill month-to-month for the use of their infrastructure, which is more manageable for growing organizations. You rent rather than own. If you ever become dissatisfied with your cloud provider, you can switch.

2. You get the benefits of a built-in support team

Once you’re working on a cloud system, you get the benefits of an extended team. Not only does this reduce strain on yours, but it will also reduce your long-term IT costs. Depending on your contract, you won’t have to worry about the time, costs or staff required to make system upgrades or fix any hiccups in the system. Almost all cloud providers guarantee upwards of 99.95% service level uptimes, which means their systems are always available and your clients will always get the services they expect. This will reduce strain, allowing you to better serve your clients and do what you do best.

3. You can lean on reliable security

Those same teams taking care of your system updates also work around-the-clock to ensure their cloud platform is secure. In addition to resources, cloud solutions bring to the table operational best practices and security standards, along with regular monitoring, patches and system fixes to ensure robust security you can depend on without added investments.

4. The system can scale to your business needs

As your organization grows and your software needs evolve, you’ll have an external partner whose system can grow with you. You won’t have to reinvest in new infrastructure to accommodate the needs for more storage or capacity. Cloud applications offer virtually infinite growth to meet the demands of your business and clients – at any size.

5. It will drive innovation and offer a better experience for your customers

Many of these benefits save money and time: two of the most critical factors in business. . The cloud makes it easy to streamline processes and can replace common tasks through automation and workflows. This frees up employee time, allowing a better focus on innovation and customer service while you grow your business.

Adopting cloud computing is a key way for smaller businesses to level the playing field with large enterprises and remain competitive in the insurance industry. Cloud can provide access to cutting-edge technologies and innovation without the burden of traditional IT costs.

Mike de Waal is president and founder of Ottawa-based Global IQX, a software provider of web-based sales and service solutions to employee benefits insurers. He can be reached at mike@globaliqx.com.

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