Keeping back-to-school risks in check

Heading back to school means kids are not only hitting the books but also playgrounds and more, where accidents can likely happen.

Risk managers, coaches and school administrators need to be on high alert during recess, gym class and school events to spot and mitigate potential dangers. (Photo: Shutterstock)

As kids say goodbye to the lazy days of summer and head into another school year, they have so much to be excited about. Whether it’s making new friends or learning new subjects, students are anticipating a year full of new discoveries. One of the last things they’re thinking about are risks. But the unfortunate reality is that risk is everywhere, especially at schools.

Heading back to school means kids are not only hitting the books but also the school playgrounds, fields and gyms, where accidents are likely to happen. Risk managers, coaches and school administrators need to be on high alert during recess, gym class and school events to spot and mitigate potential dangers. Prevention is the best risk management strategy, helping students avoid injuries and schools avoid costly claims.

Risks at play

One of the riskiest times of the school day is recess. While playtime is an antidote to structured classroom time, it also presents opportunities for accidents ranging from scraped knees to broken bones. Each year, more than 230,000 injuries are associated with playgrounds.

On playgrounds and in gyms, the general hazards are:

The first two — equipment-related hazards and slip and falls — account for 81% of reported incidents. The U.S. Consumer Protection Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that 63% of playground injuries are equipment-related. This means that the majority of injuries can be prevented by simply checking, updating or maintaining equipment.

Be well-equipped: Ensure equipment is safe and working properly

School administrators can reduce or eliminate playground hazards by following established guidelines and standards for effective risk management of playground and gym equipment.

Bleacher-related risks

Gathering the student body for school-wide events is a great way to bolster school spirit. Such events also bring inherent risks. Schools need to anticipate and avoid mishaps such as bleacher collapses. Large crowds of students fired up over the big football game — standing or jumping on rickety, outdated structures — can be a recipe for disaster.

Common injuries range from painful splinters from older wooden railings to trip and falls and more serious suffering that occurs as a result of bleacher collapses. The lack of railings is a common cause or railings that are too flimsy to keep people from falling off the sides.

Another important thing to consider is the amount of space between footboards and seating. These spaces should not exceed four inches. For example, vertical rails must be no more than four inches apart from each other.

Keeping school stands up to their assigned safety standards is an essential component of risk mitigation. School administrators should also check their bleachers to make sure they are in proper working order. For example, retracting bleachers must pull out smoothly, and wooden seating should be sanded and lacquered to prevent splinters.

Crowd management

Be aware of the number of people attending a school event and respect bleacher weight limits. If an emergency occurs and evacuation is necessary, crowd size will impact your ability to get everyone out safely. Pay close attention not only to crowd size but also crowd behavior. School administrators must be trained to handle bad behavior, including fights. Beyond the financial costs of a bleacher or other crowd-related accident, the school will also incur reputational damage.

Slip and fall accidents

Slip and falls are a concern especially during severe weather when water and debris in hallways, classrooms and bathrooms present a real hazard. Cleaning or mopping, and food and drink spills also cause falls, as do bookbags and other items strewn on floors. Slip and fall accidents at schools can lead to broken bones, spinal injuries, traumatic head injuries, and other serious bodily harm. Schools have a high price to pay when they fail to be vigilant in preventing these hazards.

Insurance and risk professionals can facilitate and encourage a school’s commitment to safety by ensuring a formalized safety program is in place. These programs must include a robust inspection protocol that enables staff to find hazards before students do, and a process to take equipment out of service while repairs are made.

By performing simple inspections, ongoing maintenance, and staying ahead of danger and committed to a comprehensive risk management plan, schools can minimize risks so that students can focus on learning.

Here’s to a safe and happy school year for all!

Bob Marinelli ( is risk control manager for Argo Group’s Trident Public Risk Solutions. He works with municipalities and schools throughout the United States. The opinions expressed here are the author’s own. 

For similar coverage on school-related risks, visit our Instant Insights page “Back to School.”