Being proactive, rather than reactive, is a critical component for the property & casualty insurance industry. This is especially true in workers' compensation where new issues affecting its profitability pop up frequently. Kimberly George and Mark Walls, hosts of
Out Front Ideas with Kimberly and Mark, a complimentary webinar that explores critical workers' compensation and health care issues, have outlined what to watch for in 2019. The topics of health care and the economy in the U.S. are two issues George and Walls have identified, especially as the 2020 election looms ever closer. In regard to health care,
the cost of prescription drugs and the opioid crisis will likely be talking points for both Democrats and Republicans. The economy, however, will be subject to a variety of considerations, such as the unemployment rate,
a lengthening trade war with China and
President Trump's declaration of another possible federal government shutdown. Although these issues are important, they are only the tip of the iceberg. With this in mind, here are 10 more issues that George and Walls expect will affect workers' compensation in 2019.
Related: 10 workers' compensation issues to watch in 2019