All Risks Ltd.
Insurer(s): Various rated “A-” or better.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: All types and sizes.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability, workers' compensation insurance, excess, wrap ups, pollution wrap ups, railroad protective liability, OCP's, discontinued completed ops.
Special coverage features: Practice policies, project specific policies.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Hollie Hobbie Degutis, All Risks Ltd. 10150 York Road, Fifth floor, Hunt Valley, MD 21030. 800-366-5810. Fax: 410-828-8179. [email protected],

AmWINS Group Inc.
Insurer(s): Various.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: All types especially non-standard projects of any size.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability, workers' compensation insurance.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap-ups, residential contractors, Coastal and Catastrophe driven property and liability risks.
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Leslie McNeice, AmWINS Group Inc. 704-749-2891. Fax: 704-943-9000. [email protected].

Atlantic Risk Specialists Inc.
Insurer(s): Various “A” rated carriers.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: Residential, commercial, industrial, environmental – MP of $25,000 and more.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability.
Special coverage features: Able to quote related lines, as well.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Jennifer Dumont, Atlantic Risk Specialists Inc. One International Boulevard, Ste. 350, Mahwah, NJ 07495. 941-870-3125. Fax: 201-661-7816. [email protected],

Beacon Hill Assocs.
Insurer(s): Carriers rated “A” or better.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: All account sizes; most commonly accessing coverage for accounts with policy limits of $1 million or greater.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, owners' and contractors' protective liability, workers' compensation insurance, environmental coverage.
Special coverage features: Many coverage enhancements available.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors. 
Coverage available in: All states. For more information: Bill Pritchard, Beacon Hill Assocs., P.O. Box 1532, Charlottesville, VA 22902. 800-596-2156. Fax: 434-979-8964. [email protected].

Burns & Wilcox
Insurer(s): More than 30 “A” rated carriers.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: All types and sizes.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation equipment floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability.
Special coverage features: Many coverage extensions available.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap-ups, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Burns & Wilcox, 220 Kaufman Financial Center, 30833 Northwestern Highway, Farmington Hills, MI 48334. 800-521-1918.

Continental/Marmorstein & Malone
Insurer(s): Western World Insurance Co., Essex Insurance Co., Nautilus Insurance Co., Northfields Insurance Co., American Empire Insurance Co., Admiral Insurance Co., Colony Insurance Co., Liberty International Underwriters, Crum & Forster.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts:
All types and sizes.
Products offered: General liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability, completed operations construction coverage, wrap ups.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: CT, DE, NJ, NY and PA.
For more information: Bill Malone, Continental/Marmorstein & Malone. 201-261-5100. Fax: 201-261-8922. [email protected],

Crump Insurance Services
Insurer(s): Various.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: All types and sizes
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, workers' compensation insurance.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors. 
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Marketing, Crump Insurance Services, 158 No Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935. 877-247-9772. [email protected],

Crusader Insurance Co./Unifax Insurance Systems Inc.
Insurer(s): Crusader Insurance Co.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: Various up to $1 million annual gross receipts.
Products offered: General liability.
Eligible risks: Residential contractors.
Coverage available in: CA.
For more information: David Klayman, Crusader Insurance Co. 23251 Mulholland Drive, Woodland Hills, CA 91364. 818-591-9800 x312. Fax: 818-591-9856. [email protected],

Executive Perils Inc.
Insurer(s): Various.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: Varies by carrier.
Products offered: Professional liability, contractors' pollution liability.
Special coverage features: We have access to several markets that provide a variety of coverages. Contractors, construction managers, pollution and more.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Damien Magnuson, Executive Perils Inc. 11845 W. Olympic Blvd. #750, Los Angeles, CA 90064. 310-444-9333 x145. Fax: 310-444-9355. [email protected],

HCC Specialty
Houston Casualty Co.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: $100 million and below in gross revenues.
Products offered: Professional liability.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures.
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Steve Hansen, HCC Specialty, 2300 Clayton Road Ste. 1100, Concord, CA 94520. 925-685-1600. Fax: 925-685-1750. [email protected],

Insurance Innovators Inc.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: All sizes.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability, crane operators, fire suppression contractors, alarm contractors, demolition contractors, hazardous materials remediation contractors.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: All states except AK and HI.
For more information: Nick Croce (Pa.), 800-523-6422, [email protected]; Patty Benson (N.J.), 888-975-4637, Fax: 732-752-5677, [email protected]; Brenda Labrie (New England), 800-332-3847, Fax: 413-731-7403, [email protected]. Insurance Innovators Inc. 130 S. Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038.

J.M. Wilson
Insurer(s): Gotham, National Fire & Marine, Nautilus, Penn-Star, Burlington, Essex, Omega, Capitol Specialty, Max Specialty & Scottsdale.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: From a one-man operation to large general contracting firms. Products offered: General liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, contract surety bonds, owners' and contractors' protective liability.
Special coverage features: Can consider blanket waivers/subrogation forms for additional insured, per project aggregates, property damage extension or E&O for certain classes, increased limits and online rating for many artisan classes.
Eligible risks: Joint ventures, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: AL, AR, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MI, MO, NC, NE, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, VA, WI and WV.
For more information: Cathy Baldwin, J.M. Wilson, 8036 Moorsbridge Road, Portage, MI 49024. 800-282-8113. Fax: 269-327-2620. [email protected],

Jimcor Agencies
Various in-house binding authorities and brokerage facilities.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: All premium levels.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability, workers' compensation insurance.
Special coverage features: Coverages available are primary wording, blanket additional insured and action over.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: CT, DE, FL, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI and VA.
For more information: Elmer Rivera, Jimcor Agencies. 125 E. Bethpage Road Ste. 3, Plainview, NY 11803. 631-531-9595. Fax: 631-531-9696. [email protected],

Johannes/Stoermer Co.
Insurer(s): Atlantic Casualty, Capitol Indemnity, Catlin Specialty Ins. Co., Century Surety Company, Markel, Montpelier US, Penn America and Western Heritage Insurance Co.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: Any type and size.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability.
Eligible risks: Joint ventures, residential contractors. 
Coverage available in: IN, KY, OH.
For more information: Kim Barnett, Johannes/Stoermer Co., 6238 Far Hills Ave., Dayton, OH 45459. 800-333-7394 x120. [email protected],

Metcom Excess
Insurer(s): Various.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: All sizes.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability.
Special coverage features: Project specific excess and umbrella.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, residential contractors. 
Coverage available in: NJ, NY, PA.
For more information: Roseann Bonastia, Metcom Excess, P.O. Box 90, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660. 800-521-1717 x330. [email protected].

NIF Group
Various “A” rated carriers.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: Any size startups to multimillion dollar premiums.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability.
Special coverage features: Per project aggregate and more.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors. 
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Nancy Williams, NIF Group, 30 Park Ave., Manhasset, NY 11030. 516-365-7440. Fax: 516-365-7392. [email protected].

NIF Insurance Service of California
Praetorian Insurance Co.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: Artisan contractors as small as owner-only with no limit as to size of account.
Products offered: General liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, workers' compensation insurance, package, monocline auto and/or GL.
Special coverage features: “Pay-as-you-go” billing. Available for both residential and commercial jobs; primary wording, waiver of subrogation and per project aggregate included at no additional cost. Occurance form wtih no prior work exclusion in most situations. 
Eligible risks: Residential contractors.
Coverage available in: AZ, CA, NV and TX.
For more information: George Hill, NIF Insurance Service of California. 455 University Avenue Ste. 100, Sacramento, CA 95825. 916-566-1000 x7102. Fax: 916-567-8977. [email protected],

North Island Facilities
Valiant Insurance Co.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: $5,000 to $50,000.
Products offered: General liability, owners' and contractors' protective liability.
Special coverage features: Blanket additional insured CG2033 and CG2037, blanket waiver, primary wording and per-project aggregate.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: CT, NJ, NY and PA.
For more information: Steven Rodriguez, North Island Facilities. 30 Park Ave. Manhasset, NY 11020. 516-365-7440. Fax: 516-869-8549. [email protected],

Insurer(s): PDI.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: All contractors that have a design or construction management exposure.
Products offered: Professional liability, contractors' pollution liability.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups.
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Terry Lee, PDI. P.O. Box 501130, Indianapolis, IN 46250. 317-570-6945. [email protected],

Peachtree Special Risk Brokers
Insurer(s): Multiple carriers rated “A-“  or better.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: $10,000 minimum premium.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability, excess and umbrella.
Special coverage features: Also have a crane program.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors. 
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: David T. O'Keefe, Peachtree Special Risk Brokers, 3525 Piedmont Road NE, Bldg 5, Ste 415, Atlanta, GA 30305. 404-649-7864. [email protected].

Philadelphia Insurance Cos.
Philadelphia Insurance Co.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: General contractors, construction managers, mechanical contractors, trade contractors, street and road, water and sewer and other specialty contractors. Total revenue of $5 million to $500 million.
Products offered: Contractor environmental coverage, contractor environmental and professional coverage.
Special coverage features: Mold, waste disposal liability, premise environmental coverage, transportation environmental liability, 'midnight dumping' coverage, project policies (pollution only) or practice policies.
Coverage available in: All states except LA.
For more information: Susan Doering, Philadelphia Insurance Cos, One Bala Plaza Ste. 100, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. 610-206-7822. [email protected],

Pioneer Programs Insurance Solutions LLC
First Mercury Insurance Co., AIX Specialty Insurance Co.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts:  Takeover wrap-up and specialty GL for contractors: starting at $70,000 minimum; limits up to $2M/$2M/2M. SIR starting at $25,000. Commercial & residential general contractors: $25,000 minimum premium, commercial subcontractors: $50,000 minimum premium. SIR starting at $10,000.; contractors commercial & residential wrap-up: $50,000 minimum premium. Limits on all up to $2M/2M/2M. SIR at $25,000.  Project Specific policies with minimum premiums of $35,000, Limits up to $2M/$2M/$2M, SIR at $10,000.
Products offered:
General liability.
Special coverage features: The takeover program is designed to cover the GL for projects that have been taken over by a bank or other entity with the construction having begun but the project is incomplete. The program can design coverage for those projects that were covered under another policy but had a close of escrow clause and the policies were not sold at the end of that policy; and wrap projects that were covered by a captive or other alternative risk financing product that wish to transfer that risk to a third party.
Eligible risks: Wrap-ups, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: All states except DE, IA, ME, MN, NJ, RI, VA, VT.
For more information contact: Aleck J. Roberts, Pioneer Programs Insurance Solutions LLC, 201 South Lake Avenue, Suite 802, Pasadena, CA 91101. 626-696-3040. Fax: 626-628-3713. [email protected].

S.H. Smith & Co. Inc.
Various “A” rated carriers.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: All types and sizes.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability, workers' compensation insurance.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors. 
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: S.H. Smith & Co. Inc., 20 Church Street, Ste 1500, Hartford, CT 06103. 800-656-1270. Joshua O'Neill,  [email protected]; Edward Martindale, [email protected].

Swett & Crawford
Insurer(s): More than 50.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: $25,000 premium.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters, owners' and contractors' protective liability, workers' compensation insurance, contractors' auto fleets. Special coverage features:
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, wrap ups, residential contractors. 
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Bob Greenebaum, Swett & Crawford, 1 N Franklin St., Chicago IL 60606. 312-442-4100. [email protected],

Trinity Managers International Inc.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: $25,000.
Products offered: Professional liability, contractors' pollution liability.
Special coverage features: Project specific and practice policies.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures.
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Barry Rothenberg, Trinity Managers International Inc., 111 Broadway 7th floor, New York, NY 10006. 212-766-7000. Fax: 212-766-7009. [email protected].

United Brokers Insurance
Insurer(s): Colony Insurance Co., Markel Insurance Co., Penn-Star Insurance Co., United States Liability Insurance Co., Scottsdale Insurance Co.
Type and size of desired contractor accounts: Artisan/trade contractors, carpentry, driveway/parking lot paving, heating and air, insulation, lawn care, plumbing and tree trimming.
Products offered: General liability, professional liability, contractors' pollution liability, builders' risk, contractors' equipment floaters, installation floaters.
Special coverage features: We can cover the majority of the states, up to $500,000 annual payroll, up to $1 million in annual sales.
Eligible risks: Design/build risks, joint ventures, residential contractors.
Coverage available in: All states.
For more information: Tammy Ross, United Brokers Insurance. 3216 Ballurd Lane, New Albany, IN 47150. 800-444-4824. [email protected],

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