Sub-prime crisis, Ponzi schemes, executive compensation, massive lay-offs and downsizing, “never events”–and the list goes on. What do these issues have in common? They are breeding grounds for new and evolving professional liability exposures involving employment practices, directors & officers, fiduciary liability, medical professional and other lines of coverage.
The more than 6,000 PLUS members immerse themselves in the world of professional liability–they live, eat and breathe it. But most mainstream property-casualty agents and brokers are likely to at least dabble in professional liability. They may place employment practices liability, nonprofit D&O or receive inquiries about professional liability coverages for professional services firms for whom they place other coverages.
PLUS has created a new, comprehensive curriculum of 23 modules covering all aspects of professional liability. These self-study materials were developed by a company specializing in adult education, with the input of almost 100 insurance practitioners who specialize in professional liability. Why is this important to agency owners, producers and CSRs?