The staff of Tech Decisions is excited to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the magazine and proud you continue to value the content we provide in print and online.
Has the publication changed in a decade? Of course, it has. As the insurance IT world has matured (for more, see the cover story, p. 16), so have we, reporting on increasing levels of technological sophistication. From the Y2K crisis that wasn’t to the business-transforming Web that was . . . from the hype of CRM that never delivered as promised to the promise of SOA that has, Tech Decisions has been at the forefront of industry change. We have presented solutions proven useful to insurers, and we’ve questioned the value of some of the “latest” that turned out not to be the “greatest.” Our ongoing goal has been to provide a resource that is for insurance IT executives, filled with thoughtful insight by insurance IT executives, with topics that reflect concerns of insurance IT executives.
And not unlike the companies we write about, we have changed how we present our information and services. For example, a decade ago, the magazine’s Web site was a non-interactive vehicle consisting of our magazine articles. About four years ago, we redesigned, updating more frequently with breaking IT and industry news and making the content more accessible (the redesign, by the way, won a prestigious Web award). We now are in the process of unveiling our next online offering, which at press time, was scheduled to launch this month. Here are some highlights: