Youve got this ratingproblem
Sitting in a planning meeting for a new rating system you realize theres a problem with the system thats supposed to work for every line of business your company writes.Unfortunately, it seems everyone in Conference Room 3 wants the system customized to fit their departments individual needs. Underwriting wants cookie-cutter support, so they can focus on the tough calls, and they want to see available credits based on risk characteristics.Marketing wants Web-based rating for the agents, complete with quote management, proposals and electronic submissions. But, underwriting doesnt want the agents to see available credits. Marketing also mentions the physicians insurance portal in L.A. and the agent writing program business in Chicago are asking for on-line rating support for their own Web sites.And then theres the IT department. They want to make the rating and underwriting services available to the policy administration system for new business, renewals, and endorsements. You know, that end-to-end thing. The business unit just wants to maintain all the products, including rates, rules, tables, screens, and documentation, themselves! And by the way, the IT department likes that idea, too.Even your companys senior executives get into the act. Meet all these needs, they say, and the company improves its combined by two points. Thats a big win.