Circular Number | Circular Title | Summary | State(s) | Date |
LI-CL-2024-095 LI-DL-2024-197 LI-DP-2024-115 LI-FD-2024-044 LI-HO-2024-338 LI-MT-2024-094 LI-PA-2024-308 LI-PM-2024-124 LI-WT-2024-038 | LEGISLATIVE MONITORING (LMON) ON CORE. VERISK.COM | Visit ISO's Legislative Monitoring (LMON) product for summaries of commercial and personal lines laws, regulations and court decisions reviewed during 2024 which impact ISO forms, loss costs and/or rules, and/or company procedures. | All | 12/2/2024 |
LI-CL-2024-096 | COMMERCIAL LINES ROADMAP DECEMBER RELEASE | ISO has updated its Commercial Lines Roadmap. | All | 12/2/2024 |
LI-PR-2024-146 | PENNSYLVANIA MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY ADVISORY PROSPECTIVE LOSS COST REVISION FILED | Revised loss costs represent a combined -16.9% change from the current loss costs. These changes are applicable to all policies written on or after April 1, 2025. This effective date applies only to those insurers who have filed their Medical Professional Liability loss cost adjustments to be automatically applicable to future ISO loss cost revisions. Note: This supplementary information is not part of the experience review and, in states where ISO is making a filing, is not part of the filing. Caution: ISO is not announcing implementation of the revision at this time. | PA | 12/2/2024 |