Circular Number Circular Title Summary State(s) Date
CE-AA-2024-007 PROPERTY/CASUALTY INSURANCE INDUSTRY FINANCIAL RESULTS: YEAR-END 2023 ANALYSIS In the provided report, Verisk analyzes the property/casualty insurance industry's financial performance through year-end 2023. The report includes analyses of underwriting results, investment gains, and changes in surplus. All 5/10/2024
CE-AA-2024-008 FAST TRACK EXPERIENCE: FOURTH QUARTER 2023 ANALYSIS Summary analysis based on consolidated direct data compiled under the Fast Track Monitoring System for several major personal and commercial lines through the fourth quarter of 2023. ISO Data, Inc., Independent Statistical Service, Inc. (ISS), National Independent Statistical Service (NISS), and American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS) jointly release the underlying data to state insurance commissioners. All 5/10/2024
LI-CY-2024-003 CYBER MULTISTATE LOSS COSTS REVISION BEING SUBMITTED This filing announces the submission of the Cyber multistate loss costs filing revision. This filing is being submitted with a proposed effective date of December 1, 2024, in jurisdictions where ISO establishes an effective date. Caution: ISO is not yet implementing this filing. All except CA, GA, HI, MT, NY, VT, WA 5/10/2024

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