State What type of driving automation on public roads does the law/provision permit? Require an operator to be licensed? Require an operator to be in the vehicle? Require liability insurance?
Alabama deployment — commercial motor vehicles only not addressed no yes; $2,000,000
Arizona deployment depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote1 depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote2 yes
Arkansas deployment — commercial purposes only yes depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote3 yesFootnote4
California deployment depends on vehicleFootnote5 no yes; $5,000,000
Colorado deployment no not addressed no
Connecticut testing yes yes yes; $5,000,000
District of Columbia testing yesFootnote6 no yes; $5,000,000
Florida deployment depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote7 depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote2 yes
Georgia deployment depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote7 depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote2 yesFootnote8
Hawaii testing not addressed yes not addressed
Illinois testing yes yes yes
Iowa deployment yes depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote2 yes
Kansas deployment depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote1 noFootnote9 yes
Louisiana deployment — commercial motor vehicles only depends on vehicleFootnote10 no yes; $2,000,000
Maine testing not addressed no yes; $5,000,000
Massachusetts testing yes yes yesFootnote11
Michigan depends on vehicleFootnote12 yes no yes
Mississippi deployment (effective 07/01/23) not addressedFootnote13 (effective 07/01/23) no (effective 07/01/23) yesFootnote14 (effective 07/01/23)
Nebraska deployment depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote1 depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote2 yes
Nevada deployment depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote7 depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote2 yesFootnote15
New Hampshire deployment depends on vehicleFootnote16 depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote2 yesFootnote17
New Mexico testing depends on vehicleFootnote18 depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote2 yes; $5,000,000
New York testing yes yes yes; $5,000,000
North Carolina deployment depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote7 no yes
North Dakota deployment depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote7 depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote2 yes
Ohio testing yes no yes
Oklahoma deployment not addressedFootnote13 no yes; $1,000,000
Pennsylvania deployment (effective 07/01/23) yes (effective 07/01/23) no (effective 07/01/23) yes; $1,000,000 (effective 07/01/23)
Tennessee deployment no no yes; $5,000,000
Texas deployment no no yes
Utah deployment depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote7 no yes
Vermont testing yes yes yes; $5,000,000
Virginia testing not addressed not addressed no
Washington testing depends on whether operator present in vehicle no yes; $5,000,000
West Virginia deployment depends on level of vehicle automationFootnote7 no yesFootnote19
State What type of driving automation on public roads does the law/provision permit? Require an operator to be licensed? Require an operator to be in the vehicle? Require liability insurance?

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