Fraud of the Week

July 8, 2019

Stolen Identity Fraud — Miami, Florida

Amount: $426,000


Twelve Miami-Dade School District bus employees have been arrested for using the personal information of children to file fraudulent insurance reimbursement claims that netted over $400,000. An investigation revealed that 12 current and former employees submitted 68 fraudulent accident injury insurance claims to an insurance company between 2015 and 2018. The employees obtained legitimate medical records and shared the personal information of several children who were previously treated at medical centers across the county, which enabled the fraudsters to file insurance claims as if they were the parents of the children. The fraudsters face charges of organized scheme to defraud, grand theft, and false and fraudulent insurance claims. This fraud is especially heinous in a lot of ways. It uses the identities of innocent children to file fake insurance claims, and the people exploiting those children were responsible for the safety and security of those children to and from school. Miami-Dade fraud detectives are working diligently to bringing these fraudsters to justice.

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