Summary: This form is used to provide farm personal liability coverage. It includes an insuring agreement, definitions, principal and incidental coverages, exclusions, and conditions. This form provides coverage for liability exposures that arise out of the insured premises and the personal activities of the insured. This form provides liability and medical payments to others as a result of injuries on the insured premises or in conjunction with the insured's personal activities. This article offers an analysis of the AAIS Form GL-2 Ed 2.0.
Topics covered: Eligibility
The AAIS Farmowners Program Manual contains the rules and rating procedures for writing farm personal liability coverage on form GL-2. The following are eligible for coverage under this form: 1) Personal liability coverage. 2) Additional residences rented to others. 3) Additional farm premises rented to others. 4) Structures rented to others. 5) Care provided for others. 6) Business activities – businesses not owned by the insured. This category includes clerical office employees, salespersons and teachers. The coverage provided under this form is available to secondary farm locations whether in the same or a different state. The coverage may be provided to either owner-occupied or nonowner-occupied secondary locations. When coverage is written for a partnership, joint venture, or organization for farm operations with no personal liability coverage provided, Form GL-610 must be used.
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