Auto Dealers Coverage Form (Garage Policy)

Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.

Highly Specialized Coverage Form

 Summary: Few businesses have had the special attention from insurers as have those dealing with automobiles. Most businesses are offered general forms to adapt to their particular liability, automobile, and property coverage needs, but automobile dealerships have long been accustomed to insurance forms especially designed for their use. The reason for this is that no other businesses have their premises and operations or property exposures so closely intertwined with automobiles. Consequently, the separation of exposures that is suitable to the insurance needs of others is not adequate for those in the automobile business.

In the area of liability insurance, auto or other, a “standard” form for garage liability insurance has been offered since 1935. The previous garage coverage form was CA 00 05 03 10. In its revamp of the commercial auto program, the Insurance Services Office introduced the auto dealers coverage form, CA 00 25 10 13. CA 00 25 is similar to CA 00 05 in that it can be completely adequate to cover the insured’s needs for automobile liability, premises and operations liability, contractual liability, and products and completed operations liability insurance.

CA 00 25 is expected to replace CA 00 05 for the insured’s garage-type coverage needs. This and other articles pertaining to the auto dealers coverage form will present an analysis of CA 00 25, revising the language of the coverage form where it differs from that of CA 00 05 (although the differences are not that extensive).

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 The auto dealers coverage form has a declarations page (dec page), CA DS 26 10 13 and a unified set of provisions with all the agreements that pertain to liability (premises and operations, contractual, products, and auto), garagekeepers, and automobile physical damage coverages. Medical payments agreements—premises, auto, or both—are added when wanted by endorsement.

 The auto dealers coverage form, with declarations and any endorsements, may be combined with a common conditions form (see Common Policy Conditions) for a monoline policy. Or, auto dealers coverage can be combined with other commercial coverages in the package system offered by ISO.

 Symbols for Covered Autos

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