Trees, Shrubs, and Plants Growing in the Ground Are Property Not Covered

Our insured is a nursery operation whose business is that of growing plants, shrubs, and trees in a farm setting and then shipping to retail outlets for sale. In the commercial property form, CP 00 10, under property not covered, it states that growing crops are not covered. Do you feel that plants, trees, and shrubs are considered a crop (seeds and seedlings are planted in the ground and put in pots for sale) and therefore not covered, or is coverage provided for plants, trees, and shrubs when they are in the field, in the greenhouses, all until the time that they are shipped from the farm setting to be sold?.

Iowa Subscriber

While the plants, shrubs, and trees are still growing in the ground, they are growing crops and are considered property not covered. However, once they are potted for sale, they become stock and are considered business personal property.


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