Replacement of Broken Tiles

I have a broken tile claim where the home has the same tile throughout and the insured is requesting replacement of the tile throughout the entire house because it can no longer be matched. The carrier has agreed to pay for the tile in all areas except the bedrooms. Management says that those rooms have “natural breaking points”. There are no thresholds or breaking points evident in any of these rooms. Shouldn't the carrier have to pay for the complete replacement? Thanks in advance.

California Subscriber

The carrier is correct in paying for the tile except for the bedrooms. Most bedrooms are accessed through one door, and are not open to the rest of the house as say the living room is. The living room may flow directly into the dining room which flows into the kitchen; there may be walls, but usually it's a more open space than walking through a doorway. The doorway makes a natural breaking point, even if there isn't a threshold in the floor itself.


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