Farm Personal Property Defined

We write a lot of farm business. Our insured had a farm policy that provided coverage for farm personal property. They also have a HO policy that covers personal property. Insured had a shed fire. They exhausted policy limits on the farm policy for farm personal property. They now want to present a claim under the HO policy for the remainder of the farm personal property. The HO policy has an exclusion in it that excludes “farm personal property”.

There isn't a definition for “farm personal property” nor is there a definition for “personal property”. Do you have any information in regard to the definition of “personal property” and “farm personal property”?

Wisconsin Subscriber

When a policy does not define the terms used, the standard is to go to the plain old dictionary. Merriam Webster online defines personal property as property other than real property consisting of things temporary or movable. The dictionary doesn't define farm personal property, but it's readily determined by putting together two definitions. Farm is defined as a tract of land devoted to agricultural purposed, or a plot of land devoted to the raising of animals and especially domestic livestock, or water reserved for artificial cultivation of some aquatic life form.

Therefore, farm personal property would be temporary or movable property related to the practice of farming. A pitchfork used to toss hay would be farm personal property, whereas a lawn rake used to rake the leaves in front of the house would be personal property. Tillers, seeders, scythes, branding equipment, sheep shears, and cattle brushes are all farm personal property, and as such would be excluded under the homeowner's policy.

When looking at the property claimed in the loss, you need to look at how the property is used; if it's used for the animals or in farming the land, it's excluded. However, if the insured was watching meteor showers and left a blanket from the house in the barn, that would be household personal property and would be covered.

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