Workers compensation is a fascinating market.

For a lot of companies it is the number one insurance driver, and the costs of this particular risk can form the nucleus of many risk management programs. What is more, the dynamics of workers compensation trends are such that various states can provide rather different environments for this risk.

To help workers compensation stakeholders get a better understanding of some of the factors driving this market, the Workers Compensation Research Institute, headquartered in Cambridge, MA, has released a series of eight state studies on the predictors of outcomes for injured workers.

The studies measure five specific worker outcomes: recovery of physical health and functioning, return to work, earnings recovery, access to medical care, and satisfaction with medical care.

These metrics are measured to help public officials, payors and health care providers, among others, to identify how state-level systems are performing, and identifying where and what kinds improvements or reforms they might need.

[Related: NCCI data reveal need for new model for workers' comp claims management]

To that end, the WCRI is conducting an ambitious four-phase study in which it will identify worker outcomes in 20 different states and provide benchmarks of system performance from state to state. The data collected is based on telephone interviews with 400 injured workers per state who each suffered a workplace injury in 2010 that resulted in at least seven days of lost work time, and for which workers compensation benefits were paid.

In Phase 1, the WCRI will provide data on eight states (Indiana, Massachusetts, MIchigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin). Phase 2 will include four more states (Iowa, Arkansas, Connecticut and Tennessee). Phase 3 will cover another eight states, yet to be determines. And Phase 4 will collect data from new individuals in each previously covered state every three years to provide measures of worker outcomes over time, and to evaluate the effect of reforms on workers compensation systems.

At present, the WCRI has released the results of its Phase 1 research, which canvas major predictors of worker outcomes — those aspects of a workers compensation that might reveal the areas where there may be the most opportunity to improve processes such as return to work, designing disability benefit structures, and improving claims criteria. The major predictors covered in these studies include:

  • The severity and type of injury
  • Unrelated health conditions (pre-existing health status, chronic illness, smoking history, prior injuries) that might impact a current injury
  • Worker characteristics, including age, sex, education, language, marital status and job history
  • Work environment, including wage, job tenure, job satisfaction, trust in employer, full time or part time, hourly or salaried
  • Labor market conditions, such as local urbanization and unemployment rate.

The WCRI does not provide this information to suggest that any one of the eight states it surveyed is better or worse than any others. Rather, it provides data so that independent assessments might be made of each state. This why we have chosen to present information by state, rather than by aggregating data by type, such as smoking history among workers from each of the eight states surveyed.

For results by state, read on! First up: Indiana.


Average age of workers at time of injury: 48
Respondents who were 55 years or older: 30%
Respondents who are female: 39%

Workers with no education beyond a high school diploma: 56%
Workers who elected to be interviewed in Spanish: 3%
Workers earning less than $500/week: 35% 
Workers with one of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages:47%
Workers with two or three of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 23%

Injuries caused by sprains, strains and fractures: 51%
Injuries caused by lacerations/contusions: 8%
Injuries caused by inflammations, spine pain or carpal tunnel: 16%
Injuries caused by other type: 26%

Workers who felt their pre-injury health was above-average: 64%
Workers who smoke: 56%
Workers who smoked for 20+ years: 33%
Workers with comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, lung conditions, heart problems): 68%
Workers with more than one comorbidity: 28%

Workers with attorney representation: 8%
Workers with prior WC claim for a separate injury within last two years before study: 7%
Workers with subsequent WC claim in three years after study: 5%
Workers who received PPD/lump sum within two years of injury: 30%
Average amount of PPD/lump sum: $7,225

Workers in service industries: 43%
Workers in manufacturing: 32%
Workers in retail/wholesale trade: 11%

Workers satisfied with their jobs: 78%
Workers with one year or less with at-injury employer: 25%
Workers with 10+ years with at-injury employer: 30%
Workers fearful of losing their jobs after injury: 39%

Workers living in metropolitan labor markets: 64%
Average unemployment rate in county of residence at time of reported injury: 10.8%
Workers living in counties with 11%-13% unemployment rate at time of injury: 32%
Workers living in counties with 13%+ unemployment rate at time of injury: 11%

For more information on Predictors of Worker Outcomes in Indiana, please click here.


Average age of workers at time of injury: 44
Respondents who were 55 years or older: 22%
Respondents who are female: 34%

Workers with no education beyond a high school diploma: 53%
Workers who elected to be interviewed in Spanish: 7%
Workers earning less than $500/week: 28%
Workers with one of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 51%
Workers with two or three of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 17%

Injuries caused by sprains, strains and fractures: 59%
Injuries caused by lacerations/contusions: 8%
Injuries caused by inflammations, spine pain or carpal tunnel: 13%
Injuries caused by other type: 19%

Workers who felt their pre-injury health was above-average: 73%
Workers who smoke: 57%
Workers who smoked for 20+ years: 25%
Workers with comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, lung conditions, heart problems): 64%
Workers with more than one comorbidity: 25%

Workers with attorney representation: 23%
Workers with prior WC claim for a separate injury within last two years before study: 8%
Workers with subsequent WC claim in three years after study: 13%
Workers who received PPD/lump sum within two years of injury: 11%
Average amount of PPD/lump sum: $23,077

Workers in service industries: 47%
Workers in manufacturing: 13%
Workers in retail/wholesale trade: 13%

Workers satisfied with their jobs: 73%
Workers with one year or less with at-injury employer: 26%
Workers with 10+ years with at-injury employer: 27%
Workers fearful of losing their jobs after injury: 32%

Workers living in metropolitan labor markets: 96%
Average unemployment rate in county of residence at time of reported injury: 8.7%
Workers living in counties with 9%-11% unemployment rate at time of injury: 28%
Workers living in counties with 11%+ unemployment rate at time of injury: 7%

For more information on Predictors of Worker Outcomes in Massachusetts, please click here.


Average age of workers at time of injury: 46
Respondents who were 55 years or older: 25%
Respondents who are female: 39%

Workers with no education beyond a high school diploma: 46%
Workers who elected to be interviewed in Spanish: 0%
Workers earning less than $500/week: 34%
Workers with one of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 45%
Workers with two or three of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 18%

Injuries caused by sprains, strains and fractures: 55%
Injuries caused by lacerations/contusions: 8%
Injuries caused by inflammations, spine pain or carpal tunnel: 18%
Injuries caused by other type: 18%

Workers who felt their pre-injury health was above-average: 72%
Workers who smoke: 59%
Workers who smoked for 20+ years: 31%
Workers with comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, lung conditions, heart problems): 65%
Workers with more than one comorbidity: 24%

Workers with attorney representation: 10%
Workers with prior WC claim for a separate injury within last two years before study: 11%
Workers with subsequent WC claim in three years after study: 11%
Workers who received PPD/lump sum within two years of injury: 3%
Average amount of PPD/lump sum: $41,108

Workers in service industries: 49%
Workers in manufacturing: 23%
Workers in retail/wholesale trade: 12%

Workers satisfied with their jobs: 76%
Workers with one year or less with at-injury employer: 20%
Workers with 10+ years with at-injury employer: 30%
Workers fearful of losing their jobs after injury: 38%

Workers living in metropolitan labor markets: 82%
Average unemployment rate in county of residence at time of reported injury: 13.1%
Workers living in counties with 13%+ unemployment rate at time of injury: 55%

For more information on Predictors of Worker Outcomes in Michigan, please click here.


Average age of workers at time of injury: 47
Respondents who were 55 years or older: 32%
Respondents who are female: 40%

Workers with no education beyond a high school diploma: 40%
Workers who elected to be interviewed in Spanish: 3%
Workers earning less than $500/week: 27%
Workers with one of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 44%
Workers with two or three of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 13%

Injuries caused by sprains, strains and fractures: 50%
Injuries caused by lacerations/contusions: 6%
Injuries caused by inflammations, spine pain or carpal tunnel: 21%
Injuries caused by other type: 22%

Workers who felt their pre-injury health was above-average: 69%
Workers who smoke: 57%
Workers who smoked for 20+ years: 28%
Workers with comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, lung conditions, heart problems): 62%
Workers with more than one comorbidity: 17%

Workers with attorney representation: 16%
Workers with prior WC claim for a separate injury within last two years before study: 10%
Workers with subsequent WC claim in three years after study: 9%
Workers who received PPD/lump sum within two years of injury: 28%
Average amount of PPD/lump sum: $9,799

Workers in service industries: 41%
Workers in manufacturing: 19%
Workers in retail/wholesale trade: 14%

Workers satisfied with their jobs: 83%
Workers with one year or less with at-injury employer: 16%
Workers with 10+ years with at-injury employer: 34%
Workers fearful of losing their jobs after injury: 38%

Workers living in metropolitan labor markets: 70%
Average unemployment rate in county of residence at time of reported injury: 7.6%
Workers living in counties with 8%-9% unemployment rate at time of injury: 11%
Workers living in counties with 9%+ unemployment rate at time of injury: 12%

For more information on Predictors of Worker Outcomes in Minnesota, please click here.

North Carolina

Average age of workers at time of injury: 46
Respondents who were 55 years or older: 23%
Respondents who are female: 34%

Workers with no education beyond a high school diploma: 52%
Workers who elected to be interviewed in Spanish: 7%
Workers earning less than $500/week: 39%
Workers with one of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 44%
Workers with two or three of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 25%

Injuries caused by sprains, strains and fractures: 46%
Injuries caused by lacerations/contusions: 11%
Injuries caused by inflammations, spine pain or carpal tunnel: 21%
Injuries caused by other type: 21%

Workers who felt their pre-injury health was above-average: 76%
Workers who smoke: 54%
Workers who smoked for 20+ years: 25%
Workers with comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, lung conditions, heart problems): 62%
Workers with more than one comorbidity: 24%

Workers with attorney representation: 30%
Workers with prior WC claim for a separate injury within last two years before study: 6%
Workers with subsequent WC claim in three years after study: 5%
Workers who received PPD/lump sum within two years of injury: 41
Average amount of PPD/lump sum: $20,497

Workers in service industries: 38%
Workers in manufacturing: 27%
Workers in construction: 9%

Workers satisfied with their jobs: 82%
Workers with one year or less with at-injury employer: 27%
Workers with 10+ years with at-injury employer: 23%
Workers fearful of losing their jobs after injury: 47%

Workers living in metropolitan labor markets: 69%
Average unemployment rate in county of residence at time of reported injury: 11%
Workers living in counties with 11%-13% unemployment rate at time of injury: 36%
Workers living in counties with 13%+ unemployment rate at time of injury: 20%

For more information on Predictors of Worker Outcomes in North Carolina, please click here.


Average age of workers at time of injury: 48
Respondents who were 55 years or older: 32%
Respondents who are female: 40%

Workers with no education beyond a high school diploma: 55%
Workers who elected to be interviewed in Spanish: 2%
Workers earning less than $500/week: 33%
Workers with one of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 51%
Workers with two or three of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 19%

Injuries caused by sprains, strains and fractures: 49%
Injuries caused by lacerations/contusions: 9%
Injuries caused by inflammations, spine pain or carpal tunnel: 19%
Injuries caused by other type: 22%

Workers who felt their pre-injury health was above-average: 72%
Workers who smoke: 56%
Workers who smoked for 20+ years: 28%
Workers with comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, lung conditions, heart problems): 67%
Workers with more than one comorbidity: 23%

Workers with attorney representation: 15%
Workers with prior WC claim for a separate injury within last two years before study: 9%
Workers with subsequent WC claim in three years after study: 11%
Workers who received PPD/lump sum within two years of injury: 10%
Average amount of PPD/lump sum: $48,148

Workers in service industries: 42%
Workers in manufacturing: 23%
Workers in retail/wholesale trade: 12%

Workers satisfied with their jobs: 80%
Workers with one year or less with at-injury employer: 29%
Workers with 10+ years with at-injury employer: 29%
Workers fearful of losing their jobs after injury: 31%

Workers living in metropolitan labor markets: 80%
Average unemployment rate in county of residence at time of reported injury: 8.7%
Workers living in counties with 9%-11% unemployment rate at time of injury: 35%
Workers living in counties with 11%+ unemployment rate at time of injury: 6%

For more information on Predictors of Worker Outcomes in Pennsylvania, please click here.


Average age of workers at time of injury: 46
Respondents who were 55 years or older: 25%
Respondents who are female: 35%

Workers with no education beyond a high school diploma: 53%
Workers who elected to be interviewed in Spanish: 6%
Workers earning less than $500/week: 34%
Workers with one of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 48%
Workers with two or three of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 22%

Injuries caused by sprains, strains and fractures: 57%
Injuries caused by lacerations/contusions: 11%
Injuries caused by inflammations, spine pain or carpal tunnel: 12%
Injuries caused by other type: 21%

Workers who felt their pre-injury health was above-average: 73%
Workers who smoke: 56%
Workers who smoked for 20+ years: 28%
Workers with comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, lung conditions, heart problems): 63%
Workers with more than one comorbidity: 26%

Workers with attorney representation: 20%
Workers with prior WC claim for a separate injury within last two years before study: 4%
Workers with subsequent WC claim in three years after study: 6%
Workers who received PPD/lump sum within two years of injury: 12%
Average amount of PPD/lump sum: $19,278

Workers in service industries: 46%
|Workers in manufacturing: 15%
Workers in retail/wholesale trade: 12%

Workers satisfied with their jobs: 75%
Workers with one year or less with at-injury employer: 25%
Workers with 10+ years with at-injury employer: 23%
Workers fearful of losing their jobs after injury: 40%

Workers living in metropolitan labor markets: 75%
Average unemployment rate in county of residence at time of reported injury: 8%
Workers living in counties with 9%-11% unemployment rate at time of injury: 16%
Workers living in counties with 11%+ unemployment rate at time of injury: 11%

For more information on Predictors of Worker Outcomes in Virginia, please click here.


Average age of workers at time of injury: 48
Respondents who were 55 years or older: 32%
Respondents who are female: 36%

Workers with no education beyond a high school diploma: 56%
Workers who elected to be interviewed in Spanish: 5%
Workers earning less than $500/week: 27%
Workers with one of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 49%
Workers with two or three of the aforementioned labor market disadvantages: 18%

Injuries caused by sprains, strains and fractures: 37%
Injuries caused by lacerations/contusions: 10%
Injuries caused by inflammations, spine pain or carpal tunnel: 19%
Injuries caused by other type: 25%

Workers who felt their pre-injury health was above-average: 68%
Workers who smoke: 56%
Workers who smoked for 20+ years: 31%
Workers with comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, lung conditions, heart problems): 78%
Workers with more than one comorbidity: 23%

Workers with attorney representation: 10%
Workers with prior WC claim for a separate injury within last two years before study: 11%
Workers with subsequent WC claim in three years after study: 10%
Workers who received PPD/lump sum within two years of injury: 40%
Average amount of PPD/lump sum: $7,903

Workers in service industries: 27%
Workers in manufacturing: 36%
Workers in construction: 7%

Workers satisfied with their jobs: 78%
Workers with one year or less with at-injury employer: 17%
Workers with 10+ years with at-injury employer: 37%
Workers fearful of losing their jobs after injury: 37%

Workers living in metropolitan labor markets: 60%
Average unemployment rate in county of residence at time of reported injury: 9%
Workers living in counties with 9%-11% unemployment rate at time of injury: 37%
Workers living in counties with 11%+ unemployment rate at time of injury: 13%

For more information on Predictors of Worker Outcomes in Wisconsin, please click here.

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